Anyone doing free weights at a gym?

I see a lot of people posting about doing a 30DS, P90X, and a whole host of other workouts that I'm guessing you do at home that have a ton of other funny names. My question is, is anyone here going to a gym and just picking up a weight? I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one.

If you are, let me know, we need to huddle together!


  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    soon very soon :smile:
  • LilChickPea
    LilChickPea Posts: 122 Member
    I do, I do!
  • jfhaskell
    You are definitely not the only one. I work out at the gym 5-6 days a week and would not trade it for any funny named home program.
  • GFreg
    GFreg Posts: 404
    I was going to the gym to lift iron but a pesky wrist injury had me sidelined for a bit. I am planning to start up next week because I'm feeling a lot better. I can't really get on board with the how workout DVD's. One of my favorite exercises is squats and I just wouldn't feel safe doing them at home with a proper rack and that's out of the question. Maybe one day I will build a home gym.
  • Phil4035
    Phil4035 Posts: 6 Member
    I am back on the weight training bandwagon.
  • bigapple66
    bigapple66 Posts: 5 Member
    I am...I'm the exact opposite man. I have P90X and Insanity but I don't even use them. There's nothing like the pump you get from hitting the weights at the gym. I played college football so free weights and cardio is pretty much all I know. Those workout videos aren't for me at all...
  • ruledbyreason
    Ditto. I have a weight bench at home that I use at least 4 times a week and hit the full gym once or twice. I get my cardio from lots and lots of bicycling. It's been pretty effective.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I do, but I typically do the P90X workout in the gym, which consists of body weight exercises and bumbbell exercises. Between rounds I do a "regular" lifting routine.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Lot's of guys here than just do lifts. You still need to have a game plan though. Can't just go in there and start slinging about random weights and exercises. So *technically*, you should always be on a *program*.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Lot's of guys here than just do lifts. You still need to have a game plan though. Can't just go in there and start slinging about random weights and exercises. So *technically*, you should always be on a *program*.

    I do. And I agree with this ^^^, totally. I had a guy tell me last wk that I looked like a student, b/c I carried a book (about weight training and the plans to follow) with me, and he said, "I just lift until I'm sore." And I thought to myself, "Yeah. Which is why you look like a human marshmallow, and I don't." You really DO need to have some kind of plan, or program, if you want to get really good results.
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    Lot's of guys here than just do lifts. You still need to have a game plan though. Can't just go in there and start slinging about random weights and exercises. So *technically*, you should always be on a *program*.

    I do. And I agree with this ^^^, totally. I had a guy tell me last wk that I looked like a student, b/c I carried a book (about weight training and the plans to follow) with me, and he said, "I just lift until I'm sore." And I thought to myself, "Yeah. Which is why you look like a human marshmallow, and I don't." You really DO need to have some kind of plan, or program, if you want to get really good results.

    Actually the kind of information I was looking for.^^^^^^^ I am about 30 days into MFP and just doing cardio and diet. Now going to look for a good way of getting some weights into the program. Machines are OK but maybe I should do free weights...any thoughts?
  • durfey
    durfey Posts: 1 Member
    I always hit the gym for my weight training...usually in a group class. I love the feeling of being in a class and the support and encouragement from the others is awesome!
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I lift at the gym, used to work out at home, but couldn't keep doing it, always found something else to do, plus I like the gym atmosphere.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I do the weight machines at the gym because of a crippling fear of dropping a weight on my foot. Or rather, a fear of being crippled by dropping a weight on my foot. I'm a big time klutz. Plus, I don't like people watching me. I feel more anonymous and invisible on a machine.

    I know free weights are a better exercise, but I just can't get over the intimidation factor. Yet.
  • Phil4035
    Phil4035 Posts: 6 Member
    Any suggestions on a plan to follow for free weights?
  • sapphirelazuli
    I lift :) I used Gladys Portugese's Hard Bodies book to get some ideas for my routine. :D And oldie but a goodie.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I do free weights at the gym. But when i do the machines. I just don't know what to do. And how many i should do.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    yep meee!!! i love them. im doing 6kg now (1kg = 2.2lb) and im getting stronger! sounds measly as but im gettin there :)
  • kmorrison21
    kmorrison21 Posts: 24 Member
    I lift at the gym - both free weights and Les Mills Body Pump weight lifting classes. I find that it's a lot easier to get lazy and quit when you're at home and nobody sees you. haha.. :smile:
  • KimertRuns13_1
    I lift at the gym(usually kettlebells) and also take BodyPump at least 2 times a week.