High Protein!


I was informed by a nutritionist that if you eat at least 35-45 grams of Protein per meal ever 4 hours, You are sure to lose weight.

And you must eat 3 x's the amount of protein to 1x's the amount of carbs.....to balance out your diet.

So basically 3 proteins to 1 carb.

Example.....if you eat 10 grams of carbohydrates....you must eat 30 grams of protein.

Any thougths on this???? :wink:


  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    I'm eating a whole bunch of protein every day since a few months, and i keep losing weight. Maybe not as fast as I'd like, but still ... It also helps rebuilding my muscles, as I do lots of weight training :-)
  • nitka653
    nitka653 Posts: 97 Member
    Well, I'm not qualified to argue with a certified nutritionist and I agree with eating more protein than the federal guidlines advise, but WOW... That's alot of protein to try and take in... That's like 5 servings of Egg Beaters in the morning ;-P.

    If you figure out good meals with this ration, let us know !
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    It can be done but protein and fat really fill me up. Carbs keep me hungry. My usual breakfast is 3 eggs (cage-free) and 4 pieces of natural uncured bacon (Hormel). That right there is close to 30g of protein but I can't eat again for about 5 hours or so.

    You have to increase your fat, too.
  • missmaggiemd
    missmaggiemd Posts: 25 Member
    I have to say I was w my Cardiologist the other day he says the same thing. Its about protien. That our bodies actually burn more calories breaking down the protien and it gets our metabolisms worki.g. but with the carbs in starches and sweets our bodys don't really burn any calories to digest they go in and stick. So as far as I know and have been told by my Cardiologist protien is very important in ur diet. As far as carb, protien ratio ... not exactly sure .
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    That just sounds like a high protein, low carb diet. If you end up over Calories you can still gain fat. There is no magic ratio. Calories rule.