Running and P90X

Hey everyone I have a question. My BF has the pre P90X program (the program that preps you to begin P90X) and I was thinking about doing this as cross training. I also wanted to incorporate JMs yoga video as cross training too or maybe a pilates video.

I don't want to join a gym (too expensive) so home workouts are what I am leaning toward.

Do y'all have any suggestions on cross training ideas and also have you done the P90X along with running? I know the actual P90X requires a 6 day a week commitment, but I'm not sure about the pre-program.

Thanks so much!!! :happy:


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i did p90x plus marathon was exhausting but i modified as needed to allow my body rest days
  • howardmd1
    howardmd1 Posts: 7 Member
    P90X was pretty intense for me. I found it daunting to do 6 days in a row for 12 weeks. I've tried to start the program like 5 times now, and I keep failing because I miss a day or 2 and then stop. I decided to not commit to the 6-day a week for 3 months routine, but to just do as many as I can and not quit if I miss a day. What I'd recommend is doing the same - do the program to the best of your ability and don't get discouraged or stop if you miss a day or 2.

    It's hard, but it gets easier. Stick to it for at least 1 or 2 weeks and it'll start to get easier. You'll be sore, but that GOOD sore you get from hard work.

    Good luck!
