Hit a Plateau after adding Protein Bars to Diet

Ok, so I have hit a plateau. I have been running 5 k every day (sometimes twice a day) and I have been staying under calories except for maybe once. Recently, I noticed that the amount of protein I have been consuming has been below the levels MFP suggests so I bought some protein bars and have been eating them for breakfast. I normally skip breakfast because I'm on the run most of the time. With the protein bars I can grab one and eat on the go without having to stop at McDonald's (Yack).

Well since I added the protein bars to supplement, I have hit a plateau. On the plus side, my muscles have shown growth I never dreamed of. So my question is, should I concentrate more on weight loss and run more to keep it up...or should I keep my routine the same and allow my body to restore itself.

On a side note, I have been considering buying protein powder to supplement instead of protein bars. Which is the more effective way to get protein increased in my diet? Should I in crease my running? (stamina would not be a problem)


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Check the label on your protein bar, if it's like most of them sold at variety (convenience?) stores just like the "protein" shakes they may have just as many carbs or more carbs than protein. Also see the sodium levels. It may just be the bars you got weren't the best but I'd not say that ALL protein bars would do that without more info ;)
  • almille
    I would suggest taking measurements and calculating bf% as another way to measure progress if you're gaining muscle. The scale can't tell you if you're changing body composition, and you should keep it up if you are seeing composition results.
  • amysuespears
    I buy the EAS carb control pre-mixed shakes to add protein to my meals... especially breakfast, since i just eat plain oatmeal. I have found that the shakes have really helped boost my muscle building and i'm shaping up differently. it's not always about what the scale says (i had to find that out the hard way). as your body changes, it will go through peaks and valleys, you just have to ride them out. i would stay away from most protein bars and stick with the EAS stuff. I get mine at Kroger and it's not very expensive.
  • chocoholicandbaby
    I don't have much advice to give in terms of protein etc. (in fact I just asked a question about it myself) but just wanted to say make sure you are taking your measurements and comparing.

    According to my trainer, a plateau is when there has been no change on the scale AND in measurements for 2-3 weeks. So if you are losing fat but gaining muscle your weight may not change (or may even go up) but your measurements will change :-)
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    personally, i like the protein powder, because i make a fruit smootie recovery drink with it after a work out.

    the protein definetly helps with building muscles, and although you are not changing your weight, i bet you are losing inches off your waist. their might be a lot of carbs in the bars, because thats whats needed to keep energy up.

    i feel that a protein bar is best post work out, or during an on the go kind of work out, like hiking or a long bike ride.

    as far as breakfast, i think you should try and make some time for it. it really helps jump start your metabolism in the morning, and can help your body to be constantly working. especially if you have that activity level of running which is incredible.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    If you're running 6+ miles a day you will definitely need some extra calories....are you not eating enough to support the calories?

    Protein bars would have nothing to do with a plauteau. Check other avenues...
  • SarahxCheesecake
    SarahxCheesecake Posts: 169 Member
    Dont run every day, take a break. Assuming you're checking the cals on those bars? ...and finally muscle growth...yay...what brand are they?

    Hang on ....muscle growth? Maybe thats your plateau? ie more muscle - more weight - fat loss - appears like a plateau...get me?
  • rafor
    rafor Posts: 78 Member
    I take Saturdays off from running because I work a double shift at work. I was wondering if adding the protein may have kicked my body into a muscle building phase. I currently run 3 miles a day and maybe twice a week I run 6 miles. Been training for running 5k's.
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    I'd say start takiing pics, measurements,and tracking percentage of bodyfat. The numbers on the scale are not important. It sounds like you are not at a plateau but rather getting better body composition and if that is the case - ROCK ON! That is what this is all about!! Healthy, fit body.

    The shakes are nice, just be sure to read labels.... ON - Gold standard Natural and shakeology are great brands for the shakes.. EAS does have artificial sweetners in it.
  • SamAdams125
    SamAdams125 Posts: 54 Member
    I'd also suggest looking for more "natural" ways to add protein to your diet. If you like hard-boiled eggs you could make a big batch of them on the weekend and then have 2-3 or so as a snack during the day (I usually just eat one of the yolks though). Additionally, look at your meals. Can you add protein there? Are you eating too many carbs for snacks in place of protein? If you're eating, for example, a cup of brown rice and 3 oz of grilled chicken try switching it up to 4-5 oz of chicken and like 1/2-3/4 cup of rice (or whatever amount is the correct serving for you just trying to illustrate the point, not tell you exactly how much to eat). These are some of my favorite snacks that mix healthy carbs with protein and/or healthy fat:

    apple and unsalted nuts
    nonfat greek yogurt and 2 hard-boiled eggs
    ryvita crackers with laughing cow cheese or peanut butter
    1 slice of whole wheat bread w/ 1 TB peanut butter

    By pairing the complex carbs with protein I find I am more satisfied and don't mindlessly snack.

    Hope that helps! But I also agree with those suggesting you take measurements as well. I'd suggest at least once a month.
  • daves160
    Sounds like you are doing fine. Muscle is heavier than fat. Measurements are what I would look at. Weight will follow.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Depending on your initial fitness and body fat levels, could be that you are losing some fat and gaining a little muscle.

    This won't happen indefinitely, but I would take advantage of it while it happens, because it's basically the optimum process!

    Steady weight + leaner look = right direction!
  • rafor
    rafor Posts: 78 Member
    I'd also suggest looking for more "natural" ways to add protein to your diet. If you like hard-boiled eggs you could make a big batch of them on the weekend and then have 2-3 or so as a snack during the day (I usually just eat one of the yolks though). Additionally, look at your meals. Can you add protein there? Are you eating too many carbs for snacks in place of protein? If you're eating, for example, a cup of brown rice and 3 oz of grilled chicken try switching it up to 4-5 oz of chicken and like 1/2-3/4 cup of rice (or whatever amount is the correct serving for you just trying to illustrate the point, not tell you exactly how much to eat). These are some of my favorite snacks that mix healthy carbs with protein and/or healthy fat:

    apple and unsalted nuts
    nonfat greek yogurt and 2 hard-boiled eggs
    ryvita crackers with laughing cow cheese or peanut butter
    1 slice of whole wheat bread w/ 1 TB peanut butter

    By pairing the complex carbs with protein I find I am more satisfied and don't mindlessly snack.

    Hope that helps! But I also agree with those suggesting you take measurements as well. I'd suggest at least once a month.

    This is a really good idea. I love hard boiled eggs and grabbing a peanut butter sandwich on the go would be plenty easy and fast. That would actually be a lot cheaper than buying protein bars.
  • SamAdams125
    SamAdams125 Posts: 54 Member
    Yeah, I'm a grad student so I have to be very budget conscious with what I'm eating. And when I'm gone for about 12 hours a day between class and work, I definitely have to pack easy things to eat while I'm out.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    so how long has this plateau been, a month, 2 months?
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    You probably are losing body fat since you are gaining muscle. The scale does not measure everything and muscle weighs more than fat.
  • ronboy1979
    ronboy1979 Posts: 83 Member
    I think what you should do first is to make the time for breakfast and make it a good one, even if it is a quick one.

    I usually have yogurt with a tsp of chocolate protein powder and and a banana. Breakfast even if it is a quick one starts you on the right path for the day.

    As far as the protein bars I have them every now and then, but what works for me is the protein powder. I use the Super Advanced Whey Protein from Walmart. no need to spend a ton of money on it.

    I started out with just a shake now I am branching out and putting it in different stuff like the yogurt and in a peanut butter sandwich. you don't know until you try.

    Also what I would try is changing up the time that you work out. If you have been doing the same workout for a long time at the same time of day your body is getting used to knowing what time you are going to work out so it plans for it.

    change things up and see how they go.

    Good Luck!!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    If you are eating at a calorie deficit, chances are that you are not building muscle.... more likely is that you've lost some body fat and now your muscles are more visible.

    Without seeing your diary, if you are eating under your calorie goal most of the time, you aren't giving your body enough fuel for all the running that you do. Try eating a bit more for a couple of weeks, then see if you start seeing results again.

    And protein helps with weight loss; doesn't prevent it!
  • rafor
    rafor Posts: 78 Member
    I've been eating my exercise calories (MFP has lowered it twice in the 75lbs I've lost so far) because with the exercise I'm more hungry. I have been plateaued for about 2 weeks and I have really noticed the muscle gain lately. I picked up some (5) of the on sale protein bars at Kroger and tried them out to see how they would affect my transformation and I have noticed a greater amount of muscle definition and definitely some growth (pant legs slightly tighter than they were last week. I'm new to the supplement world so I was looking for some direction into the best and most cost effective way to fuel my muscles while continuing to lose weight. I certainly don't want my body burning my muscles for protein.