Broccoli Pesto Sauce

savethecat Posts: 290 Member
I just came across this recipe for a pesto sauce made from raw broccoli. Pesto sauce by itself it not too bad for you (aside from the cheese if it's not vegan) but it seemed like throwing in the raw broccoli was a really interesting way to add in some other nutrients.

Maybe for kids/people that like pasta dishes but hate broccoli.


  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    awesome! thanks!!
  • redpope
    redpope Posts: 5 Member
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    I love broccoli and I love pesto. Will have to give this a try! Thanks for sharing.
  • trishlambert
    trishlambert Posts: 213 Member
    I've done spinach pesto, cilantro pesto, and the usual basil pesto, but never thought of broccoli! Thanks for the idea!

    Actually, I found the oil to be the critical calorie adder in the pesto I make. Now I use chicken stock to get the pesto to the right consistency, then just a little oil (about 1 teaspoon per serving) to get the flavor. BIG cut in calories!!!! Also, walnuts are my choice of nut...I think they are the best nutrition per calorie of the bunch, though hazelnuts might be good too.