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Integrate with blood glucose monitoring apps

It'd be great if MyFitnessPal integrated with continuous blood glucose monitoring apps. I've recently tried a few and they all have inferior food entry than MyFitnessPal; both in usability and diet analysis (other than blood glucose…of course).

So when I'm using a CGM app, I end up having to log all my food…twice. Be great if MyFitnessPal could work with those companies and support the ability to import foods into them. Or…maybe MyFitnessPal could import blood glucose scores and present them in MyFitnessPal? 🤔

Either would work for me so long as I only need to log my food, once.
8 votes

Already Offered · Last Updated


  • shelton5542
    shelton5542 Posts: 1 Member
    I also agree with the individual’s statement that it would be great if there was an app integrated with MFP that could log blood glucose levels along with the food log.
    ITZ_BITZ Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2023
    Are you serious!? Wow, you'd think MFP would have thought of this and made the appropriate upgrades to their site and apps by now.

    I also need a spot so I can I log my BGL's, Sp0²'s, and BP's in MFP to keep track of everything in ONE place, at a glance, and so I can save and or print reports in .pdf to more easily send my logs to doctors.

    BUT, hey, if MFP won't do it, and SOON, someone else will. Personally, it's more important to me to log EVERYTHING into one app that syncs across all types of devices. I'd gladly go to a different app and pay that new company for the better logging and data import capabilites.

    If not MFP, then some other company needs to create an app which imports info from ALL other monitoring devices - Blood Pressure cuffs, Sp0² devices, Blood Glucose Monitors, Weight Scales, Exercise Equipment, Activity Tracking devices, etc. not just from a choice few.

    It gets real OLD real quick having to log info into 17 different apps that don't talk to one another!!
  • weljax21
    weljax21 Posts: 1 Member
    I would be happy if I could just manually enter my blood glucose levels. I don’t understand why you haven’t done this already because this app is so good.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,643 Member
    I enter my glucose levels in the Food Notes at the bottom of the food diary page. When I go to my doctor, if they ask about any elevations or issues I just show them that particular day on my log. However, it would be great to not enter it manually. I just don't think it's that big of a deal to put down the time and numbers when something is off for me.
  • A1CMixmaster
    A1CMixmaster Posts: 1 Member
    It would be great if MFP would integrate with BG apps! +1 for this idea. It's a pain to use 3 apps (smart scale, BGM and Exercize/Heart Rate Watch) and then copy the numbers into MFP. Thanks for any support. I use the Contour BG app. Integration with CGM's would be great as well!
  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 822 MFP Staff
    As an update, MyFitnessPal now offers the ability to sync Glucose information from Health Connect. You can read more about this new feature here!
  • kmichelizzi
    kmichelizzi Posts: 1 Member
    Great. Glad Android users can do this. When will it be available for iPhone?