Weekend MFP amnesia?

I seem to have developed a weekend amnesia where I "forget" to track my food and exercise on MFP. Couple that with my weekend get-togethers with friends and family that often include food and alcohol, and I'm left with minimal success. I've lost before, but it later comes back when I stop tracking.

Does this happen to anyone else? Any suggestions to keep motivation up on the weekends?


  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I seem to have developed a weekend amnesia where I "forget" to track my food and exercise on MFP.

    Do you use the phone app? That is my saving grace over weekends!
  • markmanby
    markmanby Posts: 6 Member
    I settle with feeling bad about it on Monday and going to the gym to help forget ;)

    ooooo sorry this is supposed to be motivation.

    go girl, you can do it.
  • RissaDean
    RissaDean Posts: 189 Member
    I'm assuming you're avoiding the computer on the weekends?

    Do you have a smartphone? If so, get the app.

    If not, just get a small notebook. Write down EVERYTHING you eat....don't try to keep up w/ calories or whatnot, just write. it. down. I swear, having to write down that you had eight beers will make you think long and hard about whether or not you really *need* to buy the case of beer, and might make you pick up a 12 pack instead :)

    On Monday, log everything that you ate. After a while, you'll start to be able to guesstimate how many cals are hiding in things like scoop of potato salad, so if you really want that maybe you should only eat half of a burger.
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    LOL! Too funny. I too can lean to this disorder. Maybe it’s the influx of chocolate and alcohol that cut into the brains functionality. The only way that I have been able to cure, well contain, this disorder is to have the MFP app on my phone, have it send any and all notifications, alerts, etc., that way I know it’s going off every 5 mins or so. I purposely joined an exercise “challenge group”, our facilitator is awesome, if you are not pulling your weight (no pun intended) she writes on your wall, sends emails, whatever it takes to get your attention. To avoid the constant notifications from her (don’t get me wrong, she is amazing, I NEED her type of accountability), I make sure that I log what I’ve done daily. Since I am already “on” there, I may as well record my foods too.
  • earthymom
    earthymom Posts: 52 Member
    I seem to have developed a weekend amnesia where I "forget" to track my food and exercise on MFP.

    Do you use the phone app? That is my saving grace over weekends!

    I was just thinking that. I think I need to spring for an iphone and get the app. I hear the iphone 4 was just reduced in price.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I seem to have developed a weekend amnesia where I "forget" to track my food and exercise on MFP.

    Do you use the phone app? That is my saving grace over weekends!

    I was just thinking that. I think I need to spring for an iphone and get the app. I hear the iphone 4 was just reduced in price.

    Any smart phone will do... I have an android :wink: