Wish I could run :\

I wish I could be able to run alot.. i'm more of a jogger / brisk walker.. I noticed a couple of days ago that my knee's or ankle area start to hurt a bit when I run, it just feels uncomfortable for me! So therefore it just makes me want to stop. I guess that's why I have switched from the treadmill to the elliptical. However I'm not seeing as much fat loss or inches loss like I did with the treadmill. I know I need to be patient and it takes time with effort & motivation...I was wondering if anyone is in the same boat as me and what has helped you? Alot of people have said the treadmill is a great full body workout and great on burning fat as well, I know the treadmill has helped me shed fat / inches and the elliptical just seems to not be working as well for me, maybe i'm just not seeing the difference yet. We have the Precor kinds at our local gym and I always use the interval course.. resistance at 8 and then back at 3 then 8 and back at 3. Any advice on this MFP?


  • millerhillbabe
    I have the same problem. add more resistance to your elip if you can. or add hand weights?? idk bout the hand weights but totaly body moments helps....
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I dont run - I power walk, I can do 5K in 42-43 minutes which is about 4.5mph

    i am doing a walking half marathon a week tomorrow!

    I have lost a fair bit of weight but I have also gone from a size 24 trousers to a size 14 - in eight months so it can work.
  • MelliKeghan
    I feel the same way. I have bad knees and a bad ankle. Running just can't be for me, but I really miss the release...and the calories burned. I stick with walking still and make sure I stay around 3.0mph. Anything more and I feel pain. But to really burn calories I've discovered swimming. I've never been a strong swimmer so my mom (who is and is also my workout buddy) has been teaching me correct form. If you have access to a pool I highly recommend this especially for people like us with bad joints.
    Good luck!
  • mkallie
    mkallie Posts: 110 Member
    I used to be like that and now I am about to run my first 10K!

    If you are interested in running, here are a few tips:

    1. Get fitted for good shoes. Seriously, makes a huge difference.
    2. If your knees and ankles bug you at first, try getting braces for them. I used to have to wear ankle braces on both of my ankles to keep them from getting hurt because they weren't quite strong enough. I did some ankle strengthening exercises with a band (super easy) and kept the braces on for a couple months till I could run without them.
    3. Run on SOFT stuff. I can run on treadmills now and then, but if I run on them consistently I start getting shin splints. Some brands are worse than others. The best surfaces are asphalt and dirt if you can find them nearby. Otherwise, some schools have the nice rubberized tracks that are good too, and usually free to use off-hours.
    4. Don't push yourself too hard. I used to have to take months off in between bouts of willing myself to go farther than my body was ready to go. If you have a good app like couch to 5k, it is definitely helpful.

    Good luck!
  • narenn
    Inclined walking helped me a lot. Walk at least 3mph at 8 deg incline!
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    Because of my herniated disks, I ever can't run or jog (per my doctor's orders) because it causes the disks in my back to compress.

    BUT he told me "you'll burn far more weight walking briskly than you'll ever burn running". I sure hope he's right. LOL
  • jackiejax1981
    jackiejax1981 Posts: 80 Member
    No Pain No Gain! LOL. Seriously though, ankle and knee joints take a beating when you run. In the Army, we tend to run every other day instead of EVERY day. Make sure you replace your sneakers every 6 months and that you have the right kind for your feet and workout too. I just started running again after pulling a tendon in my hip from running with shin splints....and my knees are KILLING me, but the more you do it, the less it hurts. Just don't kill yourself ;-) Also, the length of time or distance can make a diff....start alternating days, but if it still bothers you try cutting your distance/time in half and substituting with the elliptical. Maybe that will help ;-)
  • saldridge
    saldridge Posts: 125 Member
    BUT he told me "you'll burn far more weight walking briskly than you'll ever burn running". I sure hope he's right. LOL
    He seriously said that? It's of course not true, unless you cover the same distance. From what I understand, the amount of calories mainly depends on the distance you do, so if you walk 3 miles or run 3 miles doesn't make much of a difference. Unfortunately, you take a lot longer and since most people schedule their exercise by time and not distance, a 30 minute brisk walking workout burns much less than a 30 minute running workout.

    Here is some more about this:
  • kailea1851
    kailea1851 Posts: 1 Member
    I use the elliptical also and have found that my work out would get flat and it seemed that I was not really getting any results out of my workout. I like the elliptical because it is easier on the body and joints. I usually workout 4-5 times a week and would use it for 30 minutes and end up going 2.5 miles. Last week monday I decided to run with my brother on the road. The loop at my brothers house is 3 miles so I figured that it would be no problem. I was on pace with him for the first mile and it was a 9 minute/mile pace. Well it kicked my butt. I had to slow to a 11 minute/mile pace and when we finished my body was sore. That is when I figured that I need to change my elliptical workout. When you do the same workout daily your body gets used to it and you won't get any benefits out of the work out.
    The following day after the road run, I started to use the interval program on the Precore Elliptical at the gym but I started to include a 20 second/60 second hard run/jog in the workout. Basically take 4-5 minutes to warm up with a brisk jog. As soon as you hit the 4 minute mark, run hard or sprint for 20 seconds. Once you hit the 20 second mark slow down and do a brisk jog again for 1 minute. Keep repeating this for the next 30 minutes. You will find that you will boost your workout on the elliptical. What it does is it increases your heart rate and keeps it at a higher level for the duration of the workout. It has only been 2 weeks but I feel that I am now getting more out of using the elliptical than I did before. Hope that will help some.