Carnivore Diet

felc94 Posts: 1 Member
Hello my name is Felicia I’m new to the chat I have a question? Have anyone tried the carnivore diet before?


  • michellepetersondnp
    Just started - on day 8. So far, so good. A lot of great youtube videos
  • Dan__Cote
    Dan__Cote Posts: 41 Member
    Carnivore is very satisfying. It takes a while for your body to adapt to it though. You will lose a bunch of water weight initially. A food scale is essential! You can easily eat way more calories than you need if you just try to eyeball it. I used to follow a strict carnivore diet. Bullet-proof coffee in the morning followed by cardio. A bun-less cheese burger with an over medium egg for breakfast (Delicious!) Steak, shrimp, chicken, bacon, pork chops, butter, MCT oil. Yum!
    After a while I found it too limiting to make it a permanent lifestyle. It's a great tool to use if you want to shake things up in your diet though. Definitely give it a shot.
  • curlygirlknits
    curlygirlknits Posts: 3 Member
    I'm mostly carnivore. I don't have any health problems so I don't have to worry about being strict. I eat avocado, cocoa powder, and occasional berries. Eating mostly meat makes me feel better than I have in a very long time. I wish you luck on your journey!
  • LizzetteRamirez
    LizzetteRamirez Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Felicia! I have been strict carnivore for about 21 days now. I have a lot of weight to lose but my focus is on healing first. I have a couple of autoimmune conditions like hashimoto and autoimmune hepatitis. Also I'm doing it to get rid of mold toxicity that I wasn't aware of and was making all this havoc in my body. I love carnivore!! its so easy and less time consuming in the kitchen. Love love pork belly. I feel wonderful with lots of energy, less cranky, just an overall wellbeing feeling. Less inflammation that equals less joint pain!! At 21 days the cravings are non existing. It gets easier just take one day at a time. I usually tell myself "If I did it today I can do it tomorrow" and so on. Think on the day you are living, just one day at a time. You wont regret giving carnivore a try. Let's go back an eat like our predecessors and the Lion diet which involves eating only salt, water and meat from ruminant animals at first and then add other animals. I follow Judy Cho and her book "The Carnivore cure" was a lot of help for me. Enjoy your carnivore days ahead!!!
  • palove1558
    palove1558 Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing! Very helpful. I’m just starting… again. Did keto with great results and fell off the wagon hard. Gained 30 lbs because I didn’t handle severe trauma well at all. Hardcore binge eater. :(
    It’s a new day and I’m trying again knowing it’ll be worth it. Sugar is my enemy! I love meat so that’s extremely helpful! 😁