Accountability Post

Posting this mostly to remind myself to not self doubt. I am on Ozempic (no judgement) and have been having great success (I have been averaging almost 10lbs lost per month) but I have hit that dreaded plateau. I was pretty chill about it for the first couple of weeks, making jokes about the scale just not wanting to give me the full 30lbs. But now its basically pushing 4.5 weeks without any significant loss and now I am pissed.

Let me try to explain why I'm mad. I was using another tracking app (sorry MFP) and I was seeing my progress daily. It was going great, I could see everything that I was eating, all the graphs for losses etc (exactly like MFP) BUT then the app crashed and I lost everything. Like all of my incremental losses. Those were important to me. They were the visible proof of my efforts (aside from the mirror etc). But everything was gone and I was upset. Came back to MFP and was able to enter my starting weight, back dated, so I could see the big picture and of course I am able to track like I've done for almost a decade off and on on here.

But it seems like that app crashing just coincided with this plateau. I have my appointment with my weight management doctor next week (doing this whole thing my best way), and now my old habits are creeping back in. I am judging myself against what I imagine she will say if there isnt a big loss (it will be roughly 4lbs). I know this is stupid. I know she will not judge, and that she will assist me with working through my mindset, but old habits die hard.

I need to stop beating myself up. I have lost 28lbs....that is a lot! I have gone down in sizes in my clothes. I am healthier than I have been in years. I know all the positives! I also know that I can break this will happen. I have increased my protein this week, decreased some of the "hidden" carbs (I see you hiding there in that fruit), and I am moving more. That is the key. My body is getting comfortable at the calorie intake that I am at, and do not want to lower that, so in order to get that deficit going, this means MOVE YOUR *kitten*! I know these things, talked them through out loud with the hubby this morning while I was mentally beating myself up for the scale not moving. Now I just need to act on this.

OK...I've put it out there, I have owned it. I just needed to do this to hold myself accountable.

Time for ACTION!!!


  • sarabushby
    sarabushby Posts: 784 Member
    Obviously it’s hard to know without an idea of your stats but it sounds like maybe you reached closer to eating at maintenance so you’re only in a slight deficit? You’ve recognised that to increase that deficit you need to move more, IF that is, a faster rate of loss is indeed still appropriate for someone of your size? Perhaps it’s not anymore and you just need to adjust expectations and be ok with slowly losing the last few lbs.
    Carbs shouldn’t be demonised, fruit is good for you. Eating more protein just MAY help with satiety-it doesn’t for everyone. But ultimately all that matters for weight loss is CICO.

    4lbs in 4.5wks is still a great rate to lose at so please be kinder to yourself!