
Hi all!

I've been using the diary part of this site on and off for a few months but thought I would check out the forums as I think I could do with some support! I am around 5"2 and 140lbs and my goal weight is 112lbs. I've been really bad over summer and put on a whole stone! Need to get back on it but I'm just a junk addict!

Would be good to meet some people in similar situations and support each other :)


  • blackasia7033
    I feel you..I think summer time and holidays are th worst..But lets encourage each other..I think we can do it..just like parenting..It'll come second nature..I am rachel by the way
  • MunchMonster
    MunchMonster Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Rachel! I'm Donna, and yes, we can do this!
  • Shrekkk
    I have heard of the "stone" unit before, but I don;t know what it means. Is there a "pound" equivalent?

    I am a month new to this site and have lost 11.5 lbs. Nothing else seemed to work before I started counting calories. I even have "bad" days, and I am still winning! I love Yoga, gymnastics and the treadmill... they are my new best friends... lol. Hit me up if you'd like to be "buddies"...

    Good luck to you!
  • Shrekkk
    ooops... and I'm Kelly, by the way....
  • MunchMonster
    MunchMonster Posts: 14 Member
    Wow well done Kelly! And 1 stone = 14lbs, might be a british thing :P You seem to be doing great so will be good to chat to someone who knows what success feels like! :)
  • brittaniej
    Welcome! This site had definitely done wonders in helping me stay motivated.