Heart palpitations

I didnt know where to put this. Anyways I suffer from on n off palpitations for about 5yrs now. They just came one day n never left. Over 5yrs they went from about 20 a day to roughly once or twice a month. Anyways im wondering if anybody had them and after losing weight healthy if perhaps they went away? Ive had ekgs and heart monitors and blood work and chest xrays, all normal and nothin major (have speed of heart every once in a while, but dr said it was normal) so im hopin they just go away while I continue to lose weight.


  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I have an irregular heartbeat that has caused palpitations in the past. Like you, I had blood work, heart monitors, whatever monitoring they could think of. They couldn't find anything wrong other than my heartbeat was irregular. My doctor told me I could work out, and if I feel like I need to stop, do so. Simple enough :)

    They've gotten better since I dropped some weight. I don't recall the last one I had.
  • jessicajoy87
    I have palpatations and bradycardia. I noticed that since I started exercising I can feel the palpatations again. I'm going to the dr about it.
  • emswear
    my heart has always 'skipped' a beat but I haven't noticed a correlation between them and weight loss. however I have noticed that my chronic cough and migraines have gone away! I hardly cough and i can't tell you the last time I had a migraine (knock on wood). What ever caused it to disappear, I'm happy!
  • supergirlsu
    I have palpatations and bradycardia. I noticed that since I started exercising I can feel the palpatations again. I'm going to the dr about it.

    I have this too, only recently developed. Was brought on my long term medication I was taking. Sadly use no energy at the moment to exercise. As fir it being weight related, I'm the lowest and closest to healthy BMI I have been practically my whole life so dint think mine is down to that.

    Drs are at a loss now thou, due for a 24 hr ECG Monday. Bloods all normal.
  • Scubabarbie
    Scubabarbie Posts: 20 Member
    In February of this year, I started having abnormal palpitations that were really frightening. I saw a cardiologist and did a stress eko. He said I have premature ventricular contractions that are harmless. He suggested kicking up the pace of my cardio like jogging instead of walking and losing weight will help.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I've talked to my GP at length about it. My heart palpitates frequently during workouts. All out effort in combination with an adrenaline spike. I've learned to try to avoid too much excitement during the workout.

    I ride bike a lot. To give you an example, when I've tried to beat a red light I will probably get a palpitation. When I relax, within 10 seconds I'm back to normal. Since I wear a HRM, I will see the HR go to 195, which is 25 bpm over my max.

    It's very common and typically not something to worry about. Nevertheless, if you've never mentioned it to your DR before you should. The OP says his/her GP was consulted. If they persist for 5-10 minutes, that's different.