New to MFP...looking for friends and support!



  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    Girl..the surgery is a waste of time and you will have to have other surgery's to remove excess skin because you shrink too fast for your skin to keep up. Second, every person I know that has had that surgery looks HIDIEOUS sick after and has health problems. If you love food, that isn't the answer, it's about learning to love it in a healthy way. With this page, you can eat stuff, stay within your calories and learn to eat what you love in healthy amounts.
    I will gladly be a friend to support and help you along. I too am what I call a "food *kitten*". LOVE food, not a picky eater and have fallen victim to eating for TASTE not just to fuel myself. It's not even about me eating super rabbit food healthy, but learning to know when to put my fork down...although I am only 4 days into this, already I see changes in myself and how I am acting and already I have lost weight..I won't say how much yet, I have 3 days till my posted weigh in..but lets say I am halfway to a new pants size.
    We can do this the right way, the healthy way and learn to respect boundaries of yummy food so that we don't eat in excess and harm ourselves in the long run, but we can still enjoy what we love.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Welcome! Please feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like my support.

    I think you may find that you don't need the surgery, after all. There are a lot of folks on this site who have lost 100+ without surgery. The bottom line is that the surgery probably won't work long time if you don't change your outlook on food and exercise, and that if you do change your outlook on food and exercise, you won't have to go through the surgery. And, if you lose this way, you'll be able to eat things (in moderation, of course) that you won't be able to eat after surgery. I know 2 folks who've had different types of weight loss surgery, and they talk about the foods they miss. Things as simple as rice. I know you can do this. You're worth it!
  • Im definitely in the same boat as you. MFP has helped to keep me on track and really become more conscience of things. I also looked into surgery and Im not yet ready to take that big step. I want to try one more time on my own. I have better tools and better reasons now so I am thinking this will stick.
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    Annetteslackmoe... WELCOME!!! This group is helping me stay on track.
  • Hi there! I'm new here too!!! I'm 35 and would love to support you along the way. If anyone else would like to be friends and support each other along the way...look me up! :flowerforyou:
