2023 Cycling Challenge



  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 703 Member
    Getting back into the daily 10 - let it slip so I could rest the legs for the Assault, and now I have no further excuses lol

    Ride - 10.12 miles
    Previous - 1580.20 miles

    Total - 1590.32 miles / 2023 miles

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/8821935628
  • sunshineekg
    sunshineekg Posts: 24 Member
    The bike shop forgot to order the part for my front derailer. Have to wait another week before I can go out riding. (Estimated 3 days of shipping then a 3 day set of 12s). It was painful going to the gym to ride an Indoor trainer when it's 10°C and stunning sunshine.
    15miles rode for a total of 26.
  • Rich_SC
    Rich_SC Posts: 64 Member
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,138 Member
    edited April 2023
    Previous 638.25
    01/04 21.32 miles
    YTD 659.57/2023

  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member

    @ashleycarole86 It was a 60 minute endurance ride with him, but it wasn't live. I wonder if he just scrolls through his classes and looks for people? The ride was with people in studio in NYC on a day I was actually in NYC. If I'd known, I would have tried to ride in studio. I've never done that. I hear it is really hard to get a spot. BTW - congrats on your big loss this week! I'm on team Shape Shifters. I saw your name in the results!

    4/2 9.6 miles 30 minute Peloton with Sam Yo, plus 5 minute cool down

    Previous: 586.67

    YTD: 596.27/2023
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 703 Member
    First ride was Tour of Watopia for today's daily 10. Second ride was makeup for skipping 3/30/23 in order to preserve my legs for the Assault.

    Ride 1 - 14.10 miles
    Ride 2 - 10.04 miles
    Previous - 1590.32 miles

    Total - 1614.46 miles / 2023 miles

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/8826189760
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,189 Member
    Mon Apr 3

    60 min Power Zone Endurance Ride (Peloton) - 18.85 miles

    Previous: 232.17 miles
    YTD: 251.02/2023 miles complete

    Thanks! It feels a bit blah overall because I've gained in the past couple months, but I've gotta start somewhere! Appreciate you saying that!
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,138 Member
    Previous 659.57
    01/04 21.07 miles
    YTD 680.64/2023

  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 703 Member
    Done with makeup rides! Did a workout that ended up being heinous in Zwift (not that it was hard - it had a terrible cadence for me. My comfort zone is /not/ 85rpm - it's 70. So this was VERY awkward). Then decided 'ya know, it's a nice day outside! The Bianchi hasn't been washed yet, so let's have at it!' So we had at it.

    Forgot to start Strava for the first 5.5 miles of it, though. And if it ain't on Strava, it never happened... so a 16+ mile ride is recorded as 11. Oh well!! More calorie burn for me!!

    Ride 1 - 10.06 miles
    Ride 2 - 11.17 miles
    Previous - 1614.46 miles

    Total - 1635.69 miles / 2023 miles

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/8832526786
  • Rich_SC
    Rich_SC Posts: 64 Member
  • billbiggers06
    billbiggers06 Posts: 56 Member
    @wendsg you continue to amaze and amuse me, in equal measure.

    I’m back in the grove it seems, getting up and out for my morning rides when my schedule allows.

    Strong, quick 15 miles, 41 degrees, home and showered for my 8:15 appointment.

    YTD 441/2023. Looking forward to crossing the 500 line!
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    @wendsg I agree with @billbiggers06 ! You are very funny! And amazing! I'm so impressed with your workouts! You really would be amazing in an Ironman.

    Peloton: 4/4 4.25
    4/5 17.7

    Previous: 596.27

    YTD: 618.32/2023
  • sarabushby
    sarabushby Posts: 784 Member
    @wendsg I’m a terrible low rpm’er too. I always plan to work on it but it never quite happens. I blame years of grinding out 65rpm in spin class.

    Final stage of ToW completed today, although only the short route, probably do the long one Friday. Felt amazing to ride on rested legs after 2 days off cycling.

    21mi today inc w/up & c/down
    1375mi YTD
  • Rich_SC
    Rich_SC Posts: 64 Member
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 703 Member
    All y'all flatter me. I'm glad I am entertaining - just hope I'm also motivating! (seems to work, though - you guys are making excellent progress!!)

    Screw Zwift and its tattling on my low RPM today! It was lovely outside, and since I actually washed the Bianchi last night, I broke out the old reliable steel 1986 Panasonic DX-3000 and took it on a spin. Did some interval training... kind of. Ended up interrupting almost every sprint due to (a) pedestrians, (b) golf carts, (c) running out of road, (d) cars crossing the trail. So sprint intervals were... kind of there? Except not? (aka: interval training will be relegated to Zwift only, because there I won't ram into a golf cart mid-sprint.)

    Whatever! It was sunny, winds were there but were crossing so it wasn't terrible, and I had a good time. Working on my tan, too. 🤪

    Ride - 13.37 miles
    Previous - 1635.69 miles

    Total - 1649.06 miles / 2023 miles

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/8839173015
  • billbiggers06
    billbiggers06 Posts: 56 Member
    No meetings until 11 today so I got a bit more ride in. Rode a few new stretches, enjoying redwoods, streams, and gorgeous, $10M homes.


    22 miles today
    YTD 463nfrnt95qnidg.jpeg
  • billbiggers06
    billbiggers06 Posts: 56 Member
  • sarabushby
    sarabushby Posts: 784 Member
    @billbiggers06 I wish I had a spare few M to move in there!

    Totally wasn’t feeling it today, solely rode Zwift to burn calories. Warm up, short workout called ‘Micro Wave’ followed by a short Cooldown.

    1391mi YTD
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 703 Member
    Zwifting today - too many chores to do to allocate the time to the grand outdoors. Murder-feline decided to be a stair-hazard on the way out of the room when done.

    Ride - 10.08 miles
    Previous - 1649.06 miles

    Total - 1659.14 miles / 2023 miles

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/8844338014
  • SavageMrsMoose
    SavageMrsMoose Posts: 631 Member
    @billbiggers06 just a cool 125 million? Everyone needs a property like that one! It is beautiful!

    Did a bunch of rides on the Peloton today. Trying to get to 50 for the week. Got off and realized I was 1.31 miles short! UGHH! Too tired to get back on the bike. I did a really hard tempo run this morning. It was all I had. I still have tomorrow and Saturday to get a few miles in before I head to Lisbon on Sunday. Still need to run 10 more miles too.

    4/6 Peloton 26.85- a collection of low impact and endurance rides

    Previous 618.32

    YTD: 645.17/2023