Back at it and excited!!

tmarie1989 Posts: 17 Member
Hey everyone! I've been back at logging for about a week now and looking for some friends to help me on my journey! I forgot how much daily tracking can help positively influence choices throughout the day, and I'm here to help anyone who may need some extra support as well! :)

Feel free to add me! :)


  • WepzUK
    WepzUK Posts: 11 Member
    Hi T Marie. Congrats on your 8 year anniversary. I too just got mine, which is how I came across your profile. How has your journey been?
  • 1ZenJen
    1ZenJen Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations on 8 years. My 1 year will be in July. So glad I found this app, it has been helpful. Have a great day! Keep up on your journey!