What's on your MFP motivated bucket list?



  • redhead91
    I want to wear a bikini for the first time in my entire life. Also, I want to go mountain climbing :)
  • uhoh_billy
    On my bucket list was a new, super short and daring haircut! I'm not even halfway to my goal yet, but I just feel so good, I did it anyways!

    Before, on my birthday in February

    Now (Actually, this was on Saturday!)

    I also want some new tattoos once I lose more weight! But the hair was a big decision!
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I want to travel the world with my family (including two young daughters) for a couple of years and I don't want to do it hauling another person (100+ pounds) around, if you know what I mean.

    Sightseeing, hiking, long walks and climbs to ancient ruins!
  • savethecat
    savethecat Posts: 290 Member
    I want to participate in a Warrior Dash, go white water kayaking, and get some ink down my side plus not be ashamed to lift my shirt for people to see it.
  • chinamonkey
    chinamonkey Posts: 90 Member
    I dont have too much more i want to acheive as i am a burlesque performer and pin up model. I perform mostly comedy routines but would be on stage in nothing more than pasties and knickers so I outwardly had body confidence but inside i truly loathe my figure. This is especially since i had my daughter as i have hundreds of stretch marks all over my tummy. I want to stand in front of a mirror and think, yup thats it , i look good..i may have my curves and a little wobble but overall yeah im ok...i'll get to that stage when im a size 12/14....
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Some great ideas and inspirational stuff! Loved reading your posts :-)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Playing Badminton in shorts, as opposed to the baggy tracksuit bottoms ive been playing in for the last god know how many years.

    Did it tonight for the first time, felt great!
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    Right now I really just want to do a pull up.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Just to be able to shop in any store and know they have my size. Another is to go Hang Gliding. Hate heights but that looks fun!!!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Running a 5K In April 2012,
    Would like to get a tailord made three piece suite.
    To show others how they become healthy in life.

    To the tailored suit, I say, "YAY YOU!" In my opinion, a man looks FABULOUS in a suit that really fits!
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Going to France and following the Tour de France through the mountain stages, living in the moving tent city for a week or two. And each day climbing the legendary mountain passes (Cols) in the French and Italian Alps on my bike.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I want to complete the October "Iron Man Challenge" at my workplace/university (http://www.campusrec.eku.edu/eku-ironman-challenge-2011)

    Within October's 31 days, I will need to complete
    * 2.4 mile swim,
    * 112 mile bike and
    * 26.2 run/walk
    using only equipment found at the on-campus gyms (e.g., stationary bikes, treadmills, and the campus pool.)

    I'll be setting up an MFP Challenge for anyone who wants to join me for motivation!
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I want to hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back with my hubby. I think that would be an amazing trip!! :D
  • Kmarr32010
    Kmarr32010 Posts: 244 Member
    I want to have a pinup photo session done when I reach my weightloss goal. :) Can't wait!
  • rabbit99_47203
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I want to hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back with my hubby. I think that would be an amazing trip!! :D

    Oh. I want to do this too, but I want to ride the mule and be skinny enough to do it!
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    On my bucket list was a new, super short and daring haircut! I'm not even halfway to my goal yet, but I just feel so good, I did it anyways!

    Before, on my birthday in February

    Now (Actually, this was on Saturday!)

    I also want some new tattoos once I lose more weight! But the hair was a big decision!

    I LOVE your haircut!!! :smile: I am a huge fan of the pixie style!! I go through moods where I want short hair, then longer hair...right now, I'm leaning towards longer hair, since I haven't had long hair in years and sorta miss it, but when I get sick of it, I want the pixie back! :tongue: You look great, btw!!!

    My bucket list:

    -Wear a bikini again
    -Rock some lingerie for my boyfriend
    -Tattoo on my hip/side/stomach
    -Fit back into my old clothes!

    I'm sure I have more, but it's getting late and I'm tired. :tongue:
  • jdm0804
    jdm0804 Posts: 98 Member
    My bucket list is:

    Bike a century
    Run a 1/2 marathon (maybe a full, we'll see!)
    I'd about kill for a 6 pack

    Beyond that, i just do t want to be ashamed when i take my shirt off in public!
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Lose enough weight to have "newlywed sex" again, fun and adventurous. ;) And be a size where I can safely get pregnant and carry another child. I was 300 when I had my girl 5 years ago.

    Also, be able to go into a public restroom and not have to straddle the toilet to shut the door. :(
  • bitsybetsy424
    bitsybetsy424 Posts: 40 Member
    1. Be able to wear my mother's wedding dress - it is a vintage 1940s dress and is gorgeous!
    2. Wear jeans AND a tight shirt (not a t-shirt or flowy/baggy shirt!)
    3. Not be afraid to have people tickle me or pick me up.
    4. Stand next to my 3, really fit friends and not feel like a fat blob. This is very important to me, we've been friends for most of our lives and I've always been the "bigger" one. This is going to change.