Blowing off some steam...

Today I realized I let others have way too much control over me. Someone did something today that really hurt me. Instead of just being mad.....I go for food. Whats up with that? Others hurt me, so I need to hurt me too? Well fortunately I realized this just as I was about to starting cramming the fritos in my mouth, and I put the bag down.

So why do I feel the need to eat? I am not hungry...



  • Maria_Goose
    Whenever you eat, your brain releases endorphins which give us the feeling of happiness. That's why.

    I've caught myself doing the same thing. But you know how I prevent it? I look at it and ask myself, is it worth it? More often than not, the answer is no.

    It's great that you caught that. Keep doing what's good for you!
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I have done that a million times before.....don't feel bad. Part of this journey is realizing our bad habits, and changing our thinking and actions. Don't be so hard on yourself. At least you put the bag proud. Now go tell that person they hurt you, and express your feelings in a healthy way. Good luck
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    First, let me start by saying kudos to you for putting down the bag of chips. That is a BIG step hun. If you are an emotional eater (as I was), you are going to have to work on focusing your energy else where. When I am frustrated or hurt I go to the gym or go jogging and pop my head phones in. Before you know it you end up in a zone and you have worked out for an hour and didn't notice. I hope that helps a bit.
  • catlover98611
    catlover98611 Posts: 38 Member
    I am an emotional eater also, but kind of in reverse. When things are going good I eat and eat and eat and eat and eat. When things are going badly I only binge on comfort foods. In Nov I changed that behavior but the thoughts are still there just waiting for something to happen in my life to screw with me. Just last Sat I heard of the death of a friend, from an overdose, and it spun me into my addictive eating thoughts. For two days all I did was obsess about food. I had horrible cravings and only wanted my binge foods. I stuck with my program though and only ate what I was committed to eating for that day, nothing more and nothing less. By Tuesday I was back on track and feeling balanced again. Binging would not bring my friend back and I could potentially begin the chain of eating that would make me gain back to 185 or even more.
  • msranney
    Thanks so much for the support. It really helps a ton to know I am not alone!