Why doesn't MFP update calories based on weight loss?

When I started MFP at the end of December, I set my settings to "2lb loss per week" and was given 1637 calories a day. It worked well for me. I've since lost almost 40lbs!

But my weight loss has slowed this last month to a crawl. I realized just this morning that I'm still eating 1637 calories a day but I weigh almost 40lbs less than when I started - MFP doesn't automatically update your goals!! Every week I update my new weight, but I assumed that MFP would see my new inputted weight and adjust my calories. Nope.

I had to go into my settings, change to 1.5lb loss per week to force it to recalculate my new calories and then back to 2lbs loss per week. My daily calories dropped from 1637 to 1417. Ouch. I'm going to feel that.

Why did I manually have to update this? This is something MFP should automatically do based on what users input for their weights. If I had not noticed this, my weight loss would have slowed to a stop and then I would have been unable to lose, reaching a false "maintenance mode".

Please fix this.

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  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    When I started MFP at the end of December, I set my settings to "2lb loss per week" and was given 1637 calories a day. It worked well for me. I've since lost almost 40lbs!

    But my weight loss has slowed this last month to a crawl. I realized just this morning that I'm still eating 1637 calories a day but I weigh almost 40lbs less than when I started - MFP doesn't automatically update your goals!! Every week I update my new weight, but I assumed that MFP would see my new inputted weight and adjust my calories. Nope.

    I had to go into my settings, change to 1.5lb loss per week to force it to recalculate my new calories and then back to 2lbs loss per week. My daily calories dropped from 1637 to 1417. Ouch. I'm going to feel that.

    Why did I manually have to update this? This is something MFP should automatically do based on what users input for their weights. If I had not noticed this, my weight loss would have slowed to a stop and then I would have been unable to lose, reaching a false "maintenance mode".

    Please fix this.

    I also encountered this problem! Thought it would've been obvious to MFP to include this feature.