Looking for friends!

Hello, back in 2016, I found this app super helpful for tracking and losing weight. I’m not finding it as successful now and I think it’s because I have a new account and no friends on here for support/to be motivated by their progress!

I’m a mum of 3. Last one was a c-section and I don’t know what it did to my body, but since then I have been finding it super difficult to shift any substantial weight. I seem to be bouncing around the same weight all the time.

Would love to meet people to share our journeys/keep me motivated etc. :)


  • Traynwreck12
    Traynwreck12 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm a mom to one- c section too! I could use the accountability also!
  • KiwiJo42
    KiwiJo42 Posts: 66 Member
    Friend me if you like
  • FloridaFisher
    FloridaFisher Posts: 19 Member
    36 year old dad here. I can relate in the ways that having kids means having snacks around, bulk cooking food, drained of energy (mentally and physically), and stress haha. Just going with ‘something is better than nothing’ routine to get back into shape and better health.
  • shellifish7295
    shellifish7295 Posts: 50 Member
    Mom of 1 here. No c-section but i had very bad preeclampsia and gained over 90lbs. I’ve lost 60 right after having my son but the last 30 have been beyond difficult to loose.
  • christys03
    christys03 Posts: 22,786 Member
    FR sent.😁
  • katherinewormley1
    katherinewormley1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! Mom of one. C section. The struggle is real with this weight. Hope to find some success with this app. Just started over ...for the third time tracking food...today.
  • anna_tuya1219
    anna_tuya1219 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, 24 year old mom of 5 here 👋 2 kids are bonus, 3 are biological but I have only birthed twice. Both c-sections. Before my first pregnancy, I like to think that I was "thick", but now I have downgraded to fat lol. I feel like having c-sections does make it a little harder to lose the fat, cause of everything having been cut into and then the abdominal muscles getting weaker. But also, raising 5 kids is stressful. I feel like I have no time to work on myself, I struggle to keep motivated, and honestly it's hard not to eat the food when I'm making it for my kids. So making friends on here that can help with accountability and motivation as I go through this weight loss journey AGAIN would be amazing. 😌
  • Jskalouuu
    Jskalouuu Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for all the replies! I’m finding the community page quite laggy on here, which is why I’m slow to reply. Accepted all that have sent me friend requests. Looking forward to sharing our journeys! 😊
  • ToadstoolBetty
    ToadstoolBetty Posts: 292 Member
    I'm a mum of 3 I was fine losing weight before I had my 3rd child.
    They was a c-sections.
    It's not the section that's causing it.
    The fat definitely shifted into one area on my belly I found with my last pregnancy but the pregnancy was completely different to the others but so was my age.
    I was 36 when I had my youngest and I'm now 44.
    I've used mfp since my daughter was about a year and half old, she's now 12.
    Lots of changes have happened to my body. The change in hormones has caused problems over the years, getting older isn't easy but it helps when you realise your problem points and triggers.
    Last July my head had an explosion inside in my head(it felt like my head was going to explode).
    It turned out I have 3 health issues I was unaware of.
    1 I had high bloodpressure
    2 I am prediabetic
    3 I now suffer from Atypical migraines.

    I noticed once I had been put on bloodpressure meds that I felt calmer than I had been over the years.
    The type of migraines I now have are continuously there and triggered by general movement,driving is the biggest trigger and my job involves driving.
    Food,drink and smells also trigger them.
    And I have to lose weight now to prevent myself becoming diabetic.
    I'm yo-yoing up and down finding it very hard to get the proper exercise in along with work that is day and Evening.
    Before it was my hip and shoulder that caused me pain,now it's either all 3 including my back or just stabbing in my head that appears randomly but that's not movement causing that,I think it's food or drink.
    I'm on meds but they only dull the pain.
    So simply I now have new challenges in my life getting in the way of trying to live a normally active life,plus the changes of my body because of my age.

    I now have to eat much less too now.
    It's not easy but it's important.
    The good old carrot stick and celery have been a staple for many as a snack for very good reasons.
    But at the moment I've had my calories going wrong because I'm eating my Easter eggs.
    Oh dear!.

    I need more active people on here myself!