Active or light active

Hello I would like to know if I set my fitness app right I haven’t moved weight for phew weeks, I don’t know why?

So basically I have set up to say I’m active because I workout one hour a day and do between 1000 to 10,000 steps a day

My fitness app tell me I have to 1840 calories? Logging food, even if I use oil or have a drink!

Is this right or I’m light active

Best Answer

  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 768 MFP Staff
    Answer ✓
    We define our activity levels as follows:

    Sedentary/Not Very Active: Spend most of the day sitting (e.g. desk job)
    Lightly Active: Spend a good part of the day on your feet (e.g. teacher, salesperson)
    Active: Spend a good part of the day doing some physical activity (e.g. server, postal worker, nurse)
    Very Active: Spend most of the day doing heavy physical activity (e.g. bike messenger, carpenter)

    Your choice of activity level should include the average calories you would burn for normal daily activities, such as standing, breathing, sleeping, eating, etc. along with calories you would burn for your normal daily routines, such as general housework and your typical work routine.

    Please note that your choice should not factor in the activity of exercises/workouts you perform since those will be logged separately (manually or by linked a partner app/fitness tracker) as you complete them. The above choices are based on how your average day looks outside of the workouts you complete.

    If you do any non-workout activities outside of your normal daily routine, such as mow the lawn, this should not be considered as part of your activity level, but should then be recorded separately. Example: If you don't mow the lawn every day or do extensive housework, like deep cleaning, when you do perform those activities, you can also record those in your diary under the cardiovascular section for additional calories.


  • bethxx1234
    bethxx1234 Posts: 5 Member
    So as I walk 10,000 steps for five days out seven as I’m resting for two and work out for one hour a day I’m consider active not light active is that right ? Just want to double check also thank you for information a lot of help
  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 768 MFP Staff
    For the most accurate result, we recommend setting to either Lightly Active or Sedentary.

    Your choice should not factor in the activity of exercises/workouts/steps you perform since those will be logged separately (manually or by linked a partner app/fitness tracker) as you complete them. The activity level choices are based on how your average day looks outside of the workouts you complete.

    We hope this helps!