Writer, Singer, Recovering Attorney

Hi all! I just started MFP on September 14, so I'm on my 10th day. I came to check it out because I read Jonathan Ellis' book "If I Can Lose It..." which recommended this site.

I've made a lot of weight-loss efforts in my life, and have always been most successful when I just did it independently. But the older I got the less motivated I was to try again. I remembered all those times I succeeded by as much as 20, 40 pounds, and then gained it all back.

So far, this seems clear and fairly easy to manage. I've gotten past the first few days of uploading food and I'm finding it kind of fun to keep track, as opposed to the annoyance it typically is. Of course, the first week is easy! Six pounds lost without too much effort. I know it will slow down to tiny increments after this. I'm only setting my desired loss at one pound per week, so I probably won't always get even that.

And of course, we are coming up to the "pack on the pounds" colder weather, and the big holidays... but there's always something!

I'd love to hook up with some friends... there are so many people here! Hard to know which threads to read. So chime in if you're interesting, funny, and promise to inspire me. I'll inspire you back!

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  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Hi and welcome Frisky! MFP's a great site, there are some lovely supportive people here and it really does work! Friend request on the way :flowerforyou:
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    I am waiting for my bar results and feel stress eating about to hit. ;-)
  • Good luck, Zaiikaa! I'm a member of the bar in Connecticut, though I don't practice any more. I remember those days of waiting!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • phocid
    phocid Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome! I'm fairly new here as well. I think I dodged that attorney bullet...though I've been a paralegal now for 17 years. Have seen lots of friends enter the "recovering attorney" portion of their lives.

    Feel free to friend me here. I'm generally upbeat and positive. I'm even funny, most days.
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 354 Member
    Congrats on the great start.
  • You seem very upbeat, spunky, and witty indeed, FriskyD!

    I became a member 13 September, searching for a nutrition/fitness tracker that could consolidate my data if I input data from Ipod, Android, and laptop alike. For whatever reason, I searched youtube and found a member who had provided 13 videos of herself and her 17-day diet transformation. She had said she used this site for logging her progress. So I jumped on the site, compared it to another I almost used, and chose to be a member of this one.

    I have fun logging and viewing my progress. I like to see others do the same. Funny, I thought that "real" people would be the motivators for me ("real" meaning face-to-face, hanging-out-with people); however, I found this method of support just as effective, especially since I don't hang out with people who are looking to be fit... which is odd to think about since I'm a reservist!

    I'm also a contractor, and I think it's fun. I'm an aspiring writer though, and not really knowing where to start (apart from writing fiction). I've done story boards, character generation (fun), plot summaries, themes, etc, but I've never written for public reading before, so I'm nervous, a bit fearful, and yet excited! Genres are sci-fy, theological, apocalyptic (and combinations of these genres). Trying to understand how to write subgenre-romance within them so I'm studying writers like Nora Roberts, because I think that everyone (dudes included) like to read a little romance if it fits the story...

    Anyway, for the past 15 years I've had weight struggles, and it took me this long to realize that it's not a struggle at all: it's the reflection of the choices I've made. It also took me that long to realize that I'm strong enough to make the necessary choices in the present so that my past looks better and my future reflection is a little more awe-inspiring.
  • Hi Berry! You're doing great... I'm impressed.

    I'm having a kinda tough day because my husband spilled apple juice on my laptop and it's now in the shop for a week. He's letting me use his for a bit, though. He feels bad!

    Thanks for the friend request. How do I make one??
  • Hi Phocid: Interesting name! I'll friend you if I can figure it out...
  • Thanks, Clifford. Love your photo. I took a cruise to Tahiti a couple of years ago and I have a photo like that with me standing under the palm tree.

    It's the most beautiful place I have ever seen.
  • Hi Marshall: Wow, you have a lot going on! The thing about writing is that it's easy to skirt around, and talk about it, and plan to do it, and go to writing conferences... when what you need to do is write. Just write. Some claim you have to write a million words before you're really good at it. which means 10 full-length novels (or maybe 2 that you rewrite 5 times each!)

    I started writing book-length in 1992, and finally published my first novel this year. I'm a publisher for others, too. So far, I've put up one novel (this is all electronic, on Kindle) and one short story in my own name. Next week I am publishing another author -- she's been published 11 times by the traditional publishers, but this is her new series that I will put out electronically. And in the next month I'm going to issue the first of a series of vignettes in short chapters by yet another author.

    Exciting new times for writers!