Needing help

I am recovery from an eating disorder, have been working out, gaining weight, building to much muscle, and retaining fat. I am struggling to find the right workout plan for my body...I want to be lean and toned, not muscular and bulky. I also need help with nutrition, as I am still afraid of eating to many calories. Please Help!


  • StanDandyLiver
    StanDandyLiver Posts: 29 Member
    I think we'd need to know the nature of your eating disorder before we offer advice. However, I think being lean and toned rather than muscular and bulky are two sides of the same coin; the difference being calories. If you workout, but eat big, you will get big. If you eat a healthy amount of calories while also working out, you should maintain a similar build but improve your body composition. Caveat... I'm not a personal trainer etc.