1 Day at a Time


I don't know what it is but I am on a serious mission to look amazing for my graduation. I'm trying not to get ahead of myself or go over board with watching what I eat. I'm a senior in high school and I just feel like it's time for a change. I'm tired of going shopping and not being able to wear the same thing as all the other girls or share clothes with my friends. And I know you guys know what I'm talking about. Well anyone is more than welcome to join me in my 8 month mission to lose the weight. We all need a little support. :)



  • KaylaGwen09
    Hello! I have wanted to lose weight since a senior in high school but, I was always told I was fine the way I looked so i never did anything about it. I figured, if everyone else loved me, then I could love me. But then I went to college. It was a 10 month program and it was a very intense 10 months. I spent a lot of time at school and just ended up eating fast foods because it was quicker. I had a boyfriend at the time, so I was comfortable and happy and just ate. When I got back home after graduation, I took a good look at myself and just lost it. I cried and cried, then my boy friend broke up with me and i just ate more and more to the point where I was just disgusted with my self. I think the light has finally turned on... I NEED to get my act together. I have a really amazing and bright future ahead of me and I want to live it. I'm only 20 so I know I can do this!!! If you wish to support me that'd be great! I have no supporters yet, my friends aren't really interested in doing this. So support away! Good luck to all of you in your weight loss journey! <3

  • cuca17

    This is a great website and you are going to love it. This is not a diet...here you learn how to eat healthier and will also motive you to exercise. Little by little you will change your eating habits. You are young and beautiful, so if you already made yourself a goal start and don't think twice. You are going to reach it.

    Remember to eat your 3 meals and snacks. Is very important to drink at least 8 ofglasses of water or more. In this site you are going to find lots of motivations.

    Don't worry about what other will say...just think how you want to look and feel.

    Good luck in this journey. Hope to see you around.
  • cuca17
    Nice to here that you are already in a mission to lose weight and look nice. You are very young and you are going to reach your goal faster them expected. Don't worry what other said...keep your mission on FULL TRACK, cause you are going to be stoning on your graduation day.

    If you feel that need of motivations, remember this website is full of people that we can count on.

    Good luck in this journey. Keep yourself strong and do not prohibit yourself of eating something that you really love once in a while.
