Why can't I edit my macros today?

I've been using MFP for years now. I stopped during the pandemic, came back and have been using it again just fine for over a month to track my weight loss, goals, etc... Up until yesterday when it changed my calorie and macro goals.

I was able to change the calories back but in spite of having a drop down menu, nothing I select on the macros will change, it's stuck at 50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fat, which REALLY doesn't work when you're on Keto. Why isn't it working now??

Best Answer

  • Stephen_LacaJr
    Stephen_LacaJr Posts: 20 Member
    Answer ✓
    Update - I received an update from MFP with a workaround that doesn't reset macros when logging weight. Also, It appears that they did fix the issue where you could not set custom macros and micros.

    "Thank you for the clarification and for your continued patience. We have been made aware some of our users may be experiencing an issue with calorie and macro goals updating when logging a weight via the Check-In page on the website. Our team is investigating the issue and hope to have it resolved soon.

    As a work around, if you click “Edit Previous Entries”, then log your weight under “Add New Entry”, the goals will not be affected. "

    I tested the workaround today and it was able to save my weight without changing my custom macros. YAY!!


  • geoffey69
    geoffey69 Posts: 2 Member
    im the same its like your locked out of changing things
  • ladyjmayo
    ladyjmayo Posts: 2 Member
    Same here. It's been like that for a few days now. I wish they would get it fixed. My Fitness Pal is not usable for me the way it is now.
  • lukajoey
    lukajoey Posts: 5 Member
    I just emailed customer support on this as well. It is not letting me edit today
  • Stephen_LacaJr
    Stephen_LacaJr Posts: 20 Member
    I am having the same issue... AND whenever I track my weight it resets my Calorie goal to 1650 too.. Very Strange and Annoying!!
  • northwestcoyote
    northwestcoyote Posts: 1 Member
    Same here. I was able to set the values I want on Wednesday, but mysteriously, on Thursday, it went to the values you mention, which isn't at all what my dietician asked me to set. When I asked the Help area, I was told to clear cookies and cache. I haven't done that because I was pretty sure, even before I found this thread, that the problem is MyFitnessPal's, not mine. How irritating.
  • Stephen_LacaJr
    Stephen_LacaJr Posts: 20 Member
    @Jean @durden or any other MFP Staff that will listen...

    I have a support case open as well for the same issues... The goals reset to default for the Diet and Fitness setting that is selected in settings EVERY TIME I log my weight for the day. AND as of yesterday I can no longer adjust my macro percentages and sugar grams for Keto.

    Looking at this forum it seems there are a lot of people experiencing the same thing. Let's make some real noise to try and get this fixed as IT IS A BUG!!
  • KjBrigham1
    KjBrigham1 Posts: 1 Member
    Okay. It's not just me. Guess I can stop banging my head.
  • caenissnow
    caenissnow Posts: 2 Member
    I had a stroke in January and my dietitian recommended I use this to keep track of my food. I have to use something to keep track of everything. Is there some comparable alternative? I really hope they fix it asap.