Progress Report

I don't know if this could be categorized as an actual progress report, as this is my first day using MFP. But this is where I'm beginning, at 231 lbs, with a target weight of 185. I will post photos once a week, just to see how I'm doing, and I hope some of you will help to hold me accountable.


  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    I see you might be insulin resistant .. cause your belly looks like mine and everyone I know who is on the verge or has become diabetic from too much or too frequent food consumption. .. Good luck to you. Just be prepared .. it will take more than a week of following a weight-loss plan to show changes in your body. Don't let yourself get discouraged.
  • NaturistMike
    NaturistMike Posts: 12 Member
    @nsk1951 Thanks for the comment. I had a six-month checkup a couple of weeks ago, and the blood tests showed that I am OK on the diabetes front, but thanks for the warning.
    And I've done weight loss before, so I know it can be a long process.
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,589 Member
    edited April 2023
    Wishing you the best.

    Will you be lifting more and getting more protein?

    You should enter your last weeks meals into MFP as best you can, so you have a good idea what your current baseline calories is, so you can better plan on whatever deficit you want.

    I suggest you take weekly measurements too, at least around the navel. If you're planning to take regular self-pics anyway, maybe plan to wear the same shorts, or same color at least, so you can make a gif of it in future.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    I suggest you take weekly measurements too, at least around the navel.

    re: shorts: maybe swim trunks or something? I hear there was an underwear term and condition thing at some point of time.

    However, ask me how I know that moving navels are not a great location to measure.

    Follow along your pelvic bone to the side of your body (straight up from the hip, maybe a bit to the front). The highest point before you end up in there are no more bones around here territory is the iliac crest. take a note of the location. Now move up a bit. It won't be much, A few finger-widths? A palm? You will feel the lowest of the low of your ribs. take a note of that. Hopefully them bones are not going anywhere! Now bring out a set of rulers and protractors and figure out the halfway point between the two bones. mark it on one side. mark it on the other. get a flexible tape. Go stand in front of a mirror. Yes it matters, If you don't the tape will dip or will otherwise not be straight. NOW measure all around. I would do it both with and without air. and always without tightening the measuring tape. But definitely while keeping it parallel to the ground and your body straight... yup. I prefer the scale and a weight trend app! :wink:
  • NaturistMike
    NaturistMike Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2023
    Thanks for all of the tips!
  • NaturistMike
    NaturistMike Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2023
    I started on my weight loss program about a week ago, with a goal of losing a pound a week, and according to my scale I have already lost two pounds. I had said I was going to post a photo once a week, but I thought this deserved one. Of course, you can't really tell any change yet, but I'll get there! And I'm not crazy about those boxer briefs that I've been posing in, so I ordered some trunks, and they were delivered while I was out for an after-lunch walk! I'm a naturist, and when I can't be completely unclad, I still like to wear as little as possible, but these things are so comfortable, and so brief that I could rethink going nude! Nah! The brand is KnitLord, and I ordered them off Amazon.


  • Ol_Griz
    Ol_Griz Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. Your pic looks very much like mine. I flatter myself that I've recently lost a little off that but I started at 255 so it may be mirror tricks! Anyway, I've definitely lost and can see the difference. I'm down to 242, the lowest I've been in maybe 7 or 8 years (I wish MFP hadn't got rid of the total time on MFP graph and restricted it to one year). I had topped out at 271 and my GP told me I was statistically likely to have cardiac issues (I was 66 at the time). Sure enough, despite starting meds I had a LAD stenosis and resulting angina, very inconveniently during Covid, so diagnosis and treatment (finally a stent) was slooowww in coming.

    Long preamble. I have come to the conclusion that the issue of poly/hyperphagia has been my problem. I am type 2 diabetic for six years now, perhaps because I continued to eat when full (or the eating is the result). My recent weight loss is due to only two newly tried strategies: 1) mid day meal is usually tea and fruit. 2) keeping myself away from food after completing dinner for 1/2 to 1 hour. I find after that the craving is gone as the food has started to digest. I can go the rest of the night without snacking. Otherwise, I do not restrict portions or food groups. I have a small portion of chocolate or a muffin to finish the dinner meal. Basically, I eat as much as I like at breakfast and dinner. I'll even have a small seconds if the first has been moderate and I still feel hungry. Candy, cookies, cake are not in the house, however, as they are real triggers for overindulging. We'll see where I plateau. So far, so good.