messed up again

ok so......I went off the deep end today: i had a peanut butter snickers & cheesecake ice cream from coldstone in the 'like it' size. Which ends up being about 580 extra calories I didn't need smh.

i'm upset with myself because i know that i didnt initially wanted it, but i got it because i passed it in the mall. Working in the mall is so detrimental to my diet because i always do great when i'm away from home and even when i am home, but when i go to work (which unfortunately is in a HUGE mall) i always fall victim to the food court esp since its right outside the door.

does anyone have any words of wisdom on how to combat this? i dont want it because i'm hungry, i want it because i see it.


  • dida_57
    dida_57 Posts: 45 Member
    Do not bring any cash or cards with you. In short if you don't have any means to buy those foods then you won't eat it.
  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    Maybe plan what you're going to eat in the morning, so you know exactly what eating extras like those will do to your plans...
  • Foxzy
    Foxzy Posts: 38
    That is a tough one. Purposely do not bring any cash so that you cannot purchase anything. Just think about all the progress you have made and how you currently feel. If you cannot resist, then look for healthy alternatives. Maybe purchase weight watchers desserts and have them at home or in your purse.

    It just has to be about will-power and determination.

    Good luck
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    It's OK. I had extra food today too and now I feel bad. we gotta just accept and move on and you know why? because we are normally good. one slip up isn't going to kill us.
  • DrPepperLeigh74
    DrPepperLeigh74 Posts: 236 Member
    Try to reward your self with a set goal and post it on your profile. How much was your purchase for that treat today? Now, get you a jar or envelope and the next time you start to shell out cash for a treat you really do not want then put the same amount of cash in your goal envelope and make it for something you really want and then that will hold you accountable with your envelope savings and by letting your mfp friends know your goal that you have set to stay away from the food court and you get something you really have been wanting in the process. Pick a really good goal though so you know when you don't go for the instant gratification treat that you are going to get that something special in the end as a reward for staying away from the food court. Hope that helps, Good Luck!!
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    Building workouts into your week can help to offset some of those calories when you have those moments where you give in a bit to the treats. I think an occasional indulgence is ok, but just be careful how often that occurs (and how much) so that you don't offset all of your other hard work.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day. Forgive yourself and move on. As far as not being so tempted, that is a tuff one when you work in such an environment. The suggestion of not carrying the means to buy is a good one. Try taking snacks to work with you and have one with you when you are in these areas. The strawberry Special K bar is really good. Something like that close by may help. It helps me. Good Luck!
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Take your food from home and no money. Than you CAN'T get it. If you buy your lunch, take the exact amount of money for that =)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    If you stick with the plan eventually you will walk on by. I would do the same thing and then hate myself. I learned to think before I reach now instead of saying "oh the heck with it". :flowerforyou: