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Improvements to Fasting Option

Dear Team, I’m not sure where to say this so I thought I would just email it to you. I am enjoying this app but I wish the intermittent fasting option include 18/6, 20/4, and OMAD as those are fasts I currently do occasionally. I also would love to see details about what my body is going though at each fasting stage. I looked to see if there were any other apps that do all you do and there are not, that I could find. Thanks for all you do.
6 votes

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  • ilyo777
    ilyo777 Posts: 20 Member
    Also fasting for > 24h too. I currently do 36h every other week and that’s not possible to record in mfp.
  • bamachick731
    bamachick731 Posts: 1 Member
    yes, please add additional fasting times. 12:12 is not intermittent fasting. We need 18/24, 20/24, OMAD, and >24hrs.
  • weightloss_christie
    weightloss_christie Posts: 2 Member
    YESSSS just a option to create our own fast would make it great
  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 810 MFP Staff
    We're working hard to make Intermittent Fasting the best it can be, so thank you for the great suggestions! We will be passing these along to the team for future consideration.

    In the meantime, please see for more information regarding Intermittent Fasting and available fasting patterns.