. advice on losing 20-15 lbs?? CW: 153 .

HELLO. im trying to lose 20-15 lbs. i want to weigh 120 or 115lbs again. ive never been successful at losing weight before, & i hear its hard to lose "the last few pounds".
ive been eating 1,200cal a day or less, eating healthy, & exercising 60-90mins a day. (started all this 5 days ago)... would i need to exercise an excessive amount in order to lose this weight... like cardeo? i dont have the money to go to the gym. are there any at home exercises would be good? it soulds weird, but ive been jogging up stares for 40 mins, it seems to work pretty well. any advice would be appreciatedd :)


  • deepac456
    Any exercise is good whether its yoga or pilates. The key is to success is workout at least twice in a day without fail. Just keep yourself motivated and workout dedicated so that you sweat from top to toe.

    Never give up!
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    You probably need to eat more.
  • shannon_stallone
    You probably need to eat more.

    I agree...If you're working out that much, you need to up your calories and increase your protein especially :) Good luck
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    DO NOT go under 1200 calories, that is a no-no.minimum calories is 1200...but your workout regimen seems good. The key is to go intense when you work out...break sweats...interval training is one of the best things...its when you bring your heart rate up fast and drop it back down...so high intensity for a certain amount of time and then drop it down, then back up...great burn. Keep at it and you will be victorious! Don't discouraged...believe me if I would've gotten discouraged on this journey I would've quit a long time ago, a lot of us would have. Keep pushin!
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Try P90x, Insanity, 30 Day Shred. Those are very intense workouts on videos that will tone and get you where you want to be! Lucky you having such a low goal!! YAY!!
  • morgaj8
    You probably need to eat more.

    At least 1500 to 1700 on the days you exercise maybe more depending on how much exercise you do
  • babs23
    Take a look at Jillian Michael's book "Master You Metabolism" ... it's geared toward those who need to lose what she considers "vanity pounds." Pounds that are harder to lose since your body doesn't want to lose them.

    Also, start by taking 15 minutes to listen to the beginning of her free podcast titled "Debunking the Plateau" (The Jillian Michael's Show on iTunes). In it, she explains that there is a "sweet spot" daily calorie deficit of about 700 calories/day for people in your situation. Anything more or less won't show results as well.

    Losing those last 20ish pounds can be harder than losing 100+lbs.... it takes a lot of attention to detail!

    Good luck!