September Challenge Week 4 - Team Amazing Grace (CLOSED GROU



  • amazing_grace♥

    Day 4
    Pygmy Challenge (did 1 set of each, working on it - today's seem a bit more straightforward)
    Water (8)
    Crunches (20) - just starting and couldn't do more of would not be able to do 50 today
    Calories (under)

    I know I'm going to lose this week for sure LOL but trucking along and learning all the exercises.

    @keepitoff - you are doing GREAT! GO you!
  • Thursday - under calorie count, 8 glasses of water, 50 crunches from the day before, 80 jj's from the day before. I have a lot of catching up to do. Trust me, I am getting tons of exercise here at work, just not the ones on the challenge. I will get it caught up this weekend.

    Saturday, I will be doing a 5K for Autism awareness. The walk will be no big deal because I am able to walk 5 - 8 miles at any given time. I love walking outside! I just rarely get to see the outdoors with the hours I work. Hope everyone is having an awesome week!!!!!
  • Xtine72
    Xtine72 Posts: 67 Member
    Day 1
    Bearwalk DONE
    Burpees DONE
    Toe Touches DONE
    Jumping Jacks DONE
    Water DONE
    Calories DONE
    Day 2
    Woodchops DONE
    Kickbacks DONE
    Water DONE
    Calories DONE
    Day 3
    Water DONE
    Day 4
    Calories DONE
    Water DONE

  • amazing_grace♥
    Did challenges tonight, under calories, only 8 glasses of water. I have my grandchildren spending the night tonight, so I'm sorry for posting so late! Whew! They wear me out! Good night all!
  • stevemillar
    stevemillar Posts: 24 Member
    10 waters
    pygmy stuff done
    under calorie goal

    today my body decided that the calorie restrictions were a bad idea and i REALLY wanted to eat 2 or 3 days of calories . . . but i didn't. let's hear it for peer pressure
  • keepitoff99
    Sept 23 results
    (Day 5)

    Water (10)
    Calories (over by 15...)
    Pygmy challenge (finishing this morning...can we do this? Wasn't sure if it had to be done that day)
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    I was gone most of the day yesterday, but everything is done! Exercises still need to be done for today, and yes, I will remember to weigh in tomorrow. ;-) I hope everyone is having a great week-end! Oh, I've been doing the pygmy series.
  • amazing_grace♥
    @stevemillar - you did awesome not giving in to the pressure!!!!! :drinker:

    @keepitoff - yes, you can do the challenges on a different day - as long as they are all done for the week by Sunday night. As far as points go, you get 2 points if you do the challenges on the day they are due or before... you only get 1 point if you do them later inthe week. Also, don't forget to weigh in on Sundays and post your weight oon this thread.

    I did the challenges for day #6 today..... walked over 5 miles with my grandchildren at the park today - exploring new trails. Its was FUN!! Stayed under calories, and am still working on my water, but I will get in 10 glasses before the end of the day.

    Whoo hoo!! :smile:
  • Saturday
    7 glasses water
    Over calories
    3 miles walk
  • Day 4 pygmy exercises complete
  • Day 6 pygmy exercises complete
  • Day 5 pygmy exercises, except I owe 1 mile walking.
    I had already done 50 crunches toward team goal for the week. I have done 100 more do far today. I still have 150 to go.
    This has been an extremely challenging week for me as I have worked more hours than I usually do. I will post the mile and the other crunches later today when I complete them.
  • amazing_grace♥
    Day 5 pygmy exercises, except I owe 1 mile walking.
    I had already done 50 crunches toward team goal for the week. I have done 100 more do far today. I still have 150 to go.
    This has been an extremely challenging week for me as I have worked more hours than I usually do. I will post the mile and the other crunches later today when I complete them.

    @walkingingrace - wow! You are really working HARD today!! You GO girl!! I was going to take today as my REST day, but I've already eaten over my calories for today, so I'm going to have to go out and do SOMETHING!! Lol.

    Oh, I almost forgot to add..... I didn't lose anything this week!! I'm REALLY bummed........ wow!
  • sbrown44
    Hey all,

    Sorry for not posting sooner...puter issues....I really need to buy another pc, this one is older than dirt and I feel like I am just putting bandaids over the problem.

    Anyway, food goals for Thursday and Friday were under calories. All pygmy exercises done for thursday and Friday as well.
    Water was 9 glasses on Thursday and 11 on Friday.

    Saturday I barely managed to stay under calories...thank goodness for those crunches and the extra walk :) Drank 13 glasses. Did all exercises and managed to stay within goal Sunday...thank goodness we watched the games at my house. I really like the web site There are some great recipes on there!!

    hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • keepitoff99
    Didn't lose anything.....:( but carrying on.
    Rested today, 8 glasses of water, under calories.
  • stevemillar
    stevemillar Posts: 24 Member
    report for Saturday the 24th:
    10 waters
    did not make calorie goal :( did great going into supper, but apparently a rib eye steak has approximately twice as many calories as i thought. lol. at least i didn't go over by much and the steak was great! :)
    did my exercises on Sunday

    report for the 25th
    10 waters
    under calorie goal
    weighed 200
  • Under calories check
    10 glasses water
    Got in those remaining 150 crunches for the team
    Did not get that last mile. Did ask I could do.
  • keepitoff99
    Is there another challenge this week or is this the last one? I didn't see anything for week five. Thanks.
  • amazing_grace♥
    Week 5 is posted now.
    Go to
  • 229.4 :-(