
Hi all! I was recently diagnosed with Hashimotos disease (or as my husband so adorably likes to call it… Hashies :p) and I was curious if anyone else here suffers from it as well?

I have gained almost 40lbs in two years (albeit some of that was absolutely bad diet choices that I am correcting), and I am just looking for tips & tricks or what you’ve found makes yours better or worse.

Thanks so much! :)


  • AshS7665
    AshS7665 Posts: 1 Member
    Sorry for your struggle, but you are not alone.
    I was diagnosed with "Hashies" 5 years ago while pregnant with my third daughter. I gained more with that pregnancy than any of my previous pregnancies and am STILL trying to get the weight off. My body just doesn't want to let it go! 🤪🤨
    There are lots of great books and resources available but something that has really helped me feel better has been the AIP diet (Autoimmune Protocol diet). Daily, I am trying to be consistent with eliminating all grains, dairy, potatoes, rice, nightshades and beans from my diet as this DOES help me lose a few pounds. (I had a really hard time eliminating eggs and nuts, which AIP recommends.)
    Mostly, a low carb diet focused on protein and veggies is the way to go.
    Best of luck on your journey! (Feel free to reach out if you want.)
  • melichalupa
    melichalupa Posts: 297 Member
    Hello! Also diagnosed with Hashies about 6 years ago with the removal of my thyroid completely. Feel free to add me, I recently had a pregnancy and am currently postpartum.