Fatty here is reaching out!

I don't say fatty as a negative term. But I am the HEAVIEST I've ever been in my whole life. For the longest time I was stuck at 250 and I thought THAT was a disaster. But now I"m stuck at 286.... have been dieting and exercising (albeit not enough) and had only lost 10 pounds in a 5 month span.

What did you guys do, (those who have been about a size 20ish or 22) to exercise where you didn't feel like dying? I tried yoga recently and will be going back tonight, but even THAT was hard because of all the extra poundage.


  • elfy66
    elfy66 Posts: 138 Member
    Do as much as you can, every day! Don't worry that it doesn't seem as much as others on this site. You need to do a little bit more than you did yesterday......That's all and you will build your fitness. try to eat healthy....if not then at least stick to your calorie limit. Weigh yourself once a week, take your measurements and try not to obsess! (I know this is a struggle for me!)

    Good luck, we're on your side :)
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    You just gotta push though it. I just recently started the 30 day shred (day 18 done) and I thought I was going to die for the first 3 days. Now I can move after a workout and not be stiff and sore. And yes I'm a big girl with bad knees to boot. You can do this - don't tell yourself that you can't. You will feel like you want to die when you first start, but it will get better and it will be worth it! Good luck!
  • KazziaLlewellynn
    KazziaLlewellynn Posts: 127 Member
    Yoga is great I've learned. It helps to start with stretching really well. I also do crunches, without pulling against my neck. Since my start last year I'm down from almost 400 pounds. I'm new on here as of today but I've been losing weight for a year. Also as a side note find music you really like with a good beat and work out with that playing. It helps me not focus on the workout but the music. I use it when I'm walking or in the house.

    Side note, I'm currently as size 28 in most things.
  • Maybe try walking. I know it sounds super easy but your heat rate will be up there and you wouldn't be overdoing it. The elliptical machine is another good low impact option as well.

    Good luck!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Walking! It's the best exercise to keep the impact low on your joints and bones!

    Also, *they* say diet is 80% of the equation. Make sure you're logging everything you eat, hitting your macros and drinking plenty of water.
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    I have lost 25lbs since July 25th...all I have done is count calories and walk daily. Usually about 1.5 miles. Best of luck to you. Feel free to add me :-)
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I'm doing water aerobics and I love it! If that is an option for you, you should check it out.
  • chele76
    chele76 Posts: 28 Member
    walk walk walk walk walk. But make it a brisk fast-paced walk. You want to go fast enough that its difficult to hold a conversation because you are breathing heavy.

    yoga is great - but you need some cardio. walking will open to door and get your body accustomed to more challenging activities. Remember, if you are not sweating & starting to get short of breath - you aren;t working hard enough (just don't push until you are panting)
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    I would say consistancy is the key. The more and more you work at it the more easier exercise will get. It's really hard at first, but I promise if you stick with it, you will feel so much better and have more endurance!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I didn't have that much to lose BUT I do have lupus which causes me to feel like I'm dying from any kind of high intensity exercise. I walk, and I started out just being able to do 15 minutes with a cane and now I can do 30 with no cane (sometimes more). My husband lost 60 lbs with diet and an elliptical machine. I will admit I thought he might die the first couple of times he did it, but then it got better and he went from 260 lbs to graduating from Navy boot camp. If he can do it (he's a total Italian man and hates vegetables) you can do it!
  • I found that classes work best for me...

    Get in there, meet people and start talking. You'll want to return to finish up a topic you all started or have something new you'll want to share. Working out is always easier with friends. I HATE treadmills, ellypticals, etc. BORING!

    And this is coming from someone who started a cycling class 2 years ago and couldnt see the seat when she sat down because of her fat belly and thighs. Now I am crushing it 6 days a week for 1.5 hours. because its my "me" tome away from my terrible 2 year old and gossip time with the girls....
    Best of luck...

    P.S. I bought my first ever pair of SKINNY JEANS three weeks ago and they are baggy now...
  • Oh, and if the Instructor isnt modifying certain "moves" for you because of pain, he/she is ****ty. Find someone else...
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    In 76 days I have lost 43 lbs.

    What did it for me? Finally relaxing that I did NOT look as good as I though in that black dress in my siggy. It wasn't until I became utterly disgusted with myself for what I saw in that picture that I made the connection. Counting my calories AND exercising every day is what it takes!

    I limit myself to 1200 calories a day. I use the arc trainer (google 750A) every time I go to the gym (minimum 5x a week), and started introducing weights 2 months ago. 3 weeks ago I brought in 30 mi ute circuit training 3x a week and the weight has flown off of me.

    I look at myself in the mirror even after 43 lbs loss and I am amazed at what I have become. If your mind is not ready and your not committed. It's not going to work. Trust me, I know! I have had to pass up on some good eating; but I have dropped from a 22 to a regular 16 in 75 days!

    I weight myself every day to make sure I'm on track and because I'm a bit OCD like that. I still allow myself to treats (cocktails every so often, ice cream, birthday cake...) but I plan for it and exercise so I can. I have never gone over my daily calorie goal, ever!

    I still have 17 more lbs that I want to lose and I'm hoping to do it by New Years eve :) I found breaking up a big weight loss imto mini goals helps to keep me on track too.

    I wish you all the best in your weight loss journey. Feel free to friend me if you'd like :)
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    When doing the 30 day shred the first few days i thought I was going to vomit or pass out. This is fight or flight kicking in you have to push through it even if you do wind up vomiting, you will get stronger and your body will adapt if you fight fot it.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    In 76 days I have lost 43 lbs.

    What did it for me? Finally relaxing that I did NOT look as good as I though in that black dress in my siggy. It wasn't until I became utterly disgusted with myself for what I saw in that picture that I made the connection. Counting my calories AND exercising every day is what it takes!

    I limit myself to 1200 calories a day. I use the arc trainer (google 750A) every time I go to the gym (minimum 5x a week), and started introducing weights 2 months ago. 3 weeks ago I brought in 30 mi ute circuit training 3x a week and the weight has flown off of me.

    I look at myself in the mirror even after 43 lbs loss and I am amazed at what I have become. If your mind is not ready and your not committed. It's not going to work. Trust me, I know! I have had to pass up on some good eating; but I have dropped from a 22 to a regular 16 in 75 days!

    I weight myself every day to make sure I'm on track and because I'm a bit OCD like that. I still allow myself to treats (cocktails every so often, ice cream, birthday cake...) but I plan for it and exercise so I can. I have never gone over my daily calorie goal, ever!

    I still have 17 more lbs that I want to lose and I'm hoping to do it by New Years eve :) I found breaking up a big weight loss imto mini goals helps to keep me on track too.

    I wish you all the best in your weight loss journey. Feel free to friend me if you'd like :)

    Great advise and you or clearly on the right path to a healthy life. Still allowing yourself to live by enjoying birthday cake and having a cocktail makes it a life style and not a diet!
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    In the past I lost 30 kg, and then during the next 12 years, put on a kg per year ... which is why I have joined MFP! So I think I am qualified to respond to your query.

    As far as exercise is concerned, I have in the past used both walking and aqua aerobics (both good). I also garden - I feel as though I have spent my life moving soil/mulch/stones etc from one place to another. Also my weeds are well-established, so weeding is easier said than done!

    The benefit of each of these exercises is that you don't need to worry that people are "comparing" your shape with theirs.

    As far as diet is concerned, when I really need to give my weight-loss a kick-start, I just eat salads and fish. I expect that this isn't the most balanced of diets, but I work on the basis that its OK for a while.

    All the best.
  • Wow! Thanks everyone! I appreciate the support. I was thinking I might try out water aerobics. I feel so silly doing it, because I'm so young, but I do love me some swimming and have been trying to encorporate that into my workouts at least twice a week because even though I'm sweating and out of breath when I do laps, the water feels cool and makes my heart not feel like I"m going to die. :tongue:

    Going to try walking at least 25 minutes every other day to start and doing some yoga, swimming in between. Hopefully that will help. Thanks everyone! :)
  • KareyMarie
    KareyMarie Posts: 26 Member
    When I was at about 220 lbs (at size 20) I started my journey to becoming healthy. I would do "Walk Away The Pounds" with light weights (3 lbs) in my hands and that was a really good workout. They have a one mile, a three mile and a five mile so you start slow and set goals for the rest.

    Good luck! :)
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    In 76 days I have lost 43 lbs.

    What did it for me? Finally relaxing that I did NOT look as good as I though in that black dress in my siggy. It wasn't until I became utterly disgusted with myself for what I saw in that picture that I made the connection. Counting my calories AND exercising every day is what it takes!

    I limit myself to 1200 calories a day. I use the arc trainer (google 750A) every time I go to the gym (minimum 5x a week), and started introducing weights 2 months ago. 3 weeks ago I brought in 30 mi ute circuit training 3x a week and the weight has flown off of me.

    I look at myself in the mirror even after 43 lbs loss and I am amazed at what I have become. If your mind is not ready and your not committed. It's not going to work. Trust me, I know! I have had to pass up on some good eating; but I have dropped from a 22 to a regular 16 in 75 days!

    I weight myself every day to make sure I'm on track and because I'm a bit OCD like that. I still allow myself to treats (cocktails every so often, ice cream, birthday cake...) but I plan for it and exercise so I can. I have never gone over my daily calorie goal, ever!

    I still have 17 more lbs that I want to lose and I'm hoping to do it by New Years eve :) I found breaking up a big weight loss imto mini goals helps to keep me on track too.

    I wish you all the best in your weight loss journey. Feel free to friend me if you'd like :)

    Great advise and you or clearly on the right path to a healthy life. Still allowing yourself to live by enjoying birthday cake and having a cocktail makes it a life style and not a diet!
    I don't think "eat 1200 calories a day with 5 days of exercise a week" is good advice at all for someone weighing 286 lbs. I started out at 316 lbs just walking 15 min 3 days a week. As another poster said, the key is consistency. I required myself to stick to the schedule & tried to increase my speed or distance just a little each time. Those increments add up as long as the consistency is there. As I got used to the new routine, I started incorporating elliptical because of the low impact. After losing the first 15 lbs or so, I had worked up to 30-40 min of cardio (treadmill &/or elliptical) 6 days a week & decided to try my hand at jogging. Started out jogging 30 seconds at a time with 5:30 min walks between as many times as I could in my 30-40 min cardio sessions. Didn't die. The following week I tried 1 min jogging/5 min walking. Didn't die then either.

    Kept increasing by 30 sec-1 min every week or so e& nded up training myself to run a 5k straight through, which I did for the first time earlier this year. Now I easily run 5k multiple times a week, & am running my first 10k next weekend.

    I looked back at what my intake was at 286 lbs & I was averaging over 2200 calories a day with 6 days a week of exercise. I wouldn't shave off any more than 500 calories off that number if you're not exercising a whole lot. Why bottom out right away at 1200? Then when the losses start slowing, you have no room to decrease your calories & get things moving again.

    Start small with the exercise & just stick to it. It gets easier faster than you think.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    My largest is 264lbs. I am at 217.2 as of this morning. I lost 50lbs previously just from cutting out snacking and going dancing on the weekends then gained about 20lbs of that back over the last year and a half when I stopped going dancing. I found My Fitness Pal on August 2nd and I haven't looked back yet.

    I gave myself a week of counting calories only to get used to it then I started adding in exercise. Mostly because everyone told me I needed to suck it up and just do it.

    I used my Wii and the games Just Dance II and Michael Jackson the Experience. They are not really high intensity for a fit person but for someone like me who did not work out whatsoever and hated exercise, they are fantastic. Its a workout disguised as fun. Last week I got Zumba for my Wii. It is a totally different workout! Still a dancing game, still a workout disguised as fun, but much more uptempo, fast, and challenging. I kinda felt it when I was doing MJtE but I really noticed during Zumba workouts that hey... I feel pretty good after I work out. I feel happier the next day too. Maybe that's those endorphin things I keep hearing about or maybe its just my body saying thanks for finally moving.

    So now I'm moving on to a different challenge - exercise that isn't disguised as fun. It's a little daunting but I have a feeling its going to be sooo worth it!