New man on the block

Hi girls and guys,

I am Ron and ofcourse am very overweight, 114kg - 1.80cm.
Time to change that, I need to loose about 35-40kg, so I got a long way to go.
I have been here once before 6 months ago, but personal stuff happened that did not allow me to get started.
So here I am again.

Today I am going to visit the gym which I choose and have a talk with them before I signup.
My first exercise will be Monday afternoon, so I expect to be hurting a lot on Tuesday.

I know I hear you thinking why not today start exercise.
Simple because I have Saturdays and Mondays afternoon classes, which I must attend. So Monday afternoon is best for me.

All the best to you all and ofcourse to myself.


  • paper_doll_
    It is good that you have come back to give it another go! Let's hope nothing else happens to put you off track this time.

    I do have to say though, why not start exercising today? Even if it is just to walk part of the way to a class or whatever you have going on. Every step you take, every bit of exercise you do puts you out in front of everyone else who sat at home and did nothing for their health and fitness!

    Either way, whether you start today, or Monday, good on you for starting out and taking the first steps to becoming healthier and fitter!!
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    welcome to the club!
  • dragonflybird
    Welcome back and good luck!
  • 99Tinkerbell
    Welcome back, hope this time you met your goals. Good Luck.:smile:
  • hibee_rye
    hibee_rye Posts: 18 Member
    Hey man! Good luck and hope all goes well!

    You have just joined Team Bring It! Woo woo woo, you know it! Lol
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hi Ron... welcome to MFP... this is the place to be to shed those excess kilos

    Like you I started at a shade under 114kg however as I'm a short-arsed 163cm that was grossly overweight (morbidly obsese by UK medical standards). I've been working on my nutrition and fitness plan (erfuse to call it a DIET) since 8 Aug11 and discovered MFP about days later.

    Today I'm down to 103.9... I've lost almost 10kg in 60days

    And the beaut thing is... I'm not really even trying :happy: OK, so I've cut out the chocolate and the biscuits I used to snack on, but still eat lots of the same things I used to eat before... just in smaller, less indulgent portions. I've also started cycling regularly and walking much more... escpecially now I'm not carrying all those bagso of sugar/blocks of lard around :bigsmile:

    Good luck with your plan and hope you have fun at the gym tomorrow ♠
  • csmomma1
    Welcome back! Hope you meet your goal! YOU CAN DO IT...