My daily calorie goals are randomly changing

RickMc57 Posts: 4 Member
After using this website for a couple years, my daily calorie goals are suddenly randomly changing.
I did a search, and found this: MyFitnessPal users have reported that their daily calorie goal is randomly changing. To fix this issue, users should go to MY HOME > GOALS > EDIT (FITNESS) > Under the “When I Log An Exercise” section and change “adjust my daily calorie goal” from ON to OFF SETTING.

I follow the instructions only to learn it is "on", and cannot be edited without paying.
So you functionally changed the website such that it is no longer useful to me unless I pay for it?
The default, should be "off", not "on".
Is this going to be fixed, or do I need to find another app that doesn't randomly change my goals without my request?

Best Answers


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 810 MFP Staff
    We do apologize for any confusion with your nutrients changing with exercise. Hopefully the following information will bring more clarification.

    When you create your profile, we ask you for your age, height, weight, gender, and normal daily activity level. We use these factors to determine the calories required to maintain your current weight. We also ask how much weight you would like to lose or gain per week, and with this goal in mind we subtract calories (for weight loss) or add calories (for weight gain) to determine your daily calorie goal.

    For more information on how we calculate your initial goals, please see this article: .

    Because your daily calorie goal already accounts for your intent to gain or lose weight at a particular rate, you can achieve your goal by eating the specified number of calories per day, with no additional exercise required. If you do exercise, then your daily calorie goal will increase for the day, to stabilize your weight loss or weight gain at the rate you initially specified.

    The calories added to your daily goal are divided among the various nutrients such as fat, carbs, and protein, which is why these increase when you log calories from exercise.

    If you are a Premium user or have specific dietary needs, you may wish to exert more control over your nutritional goals. Users who subscribe to MyFitnessPal Premium can modify the effects of logging cardio exercise. This can be helpful, for example, to those who must not consume more than a certain amount of carbs per day, or who may wish to distribute their exercise calories across fat, carbs and protein for specific dietary or performance goals.
  • RickMc57
    RickMc57 Posts: 4 Member
    I did not say that they are changing WITH exercise. I am fully aware of that useful feature as I've used it for years.

    What is happening, is every day the new calorie goal is lower than the goal number I set. It seems to be a randomly lower number every day.
  • apalbright
    apalbright Posts: 1 Member
    I have to reenter my percent goal for macros of carb, fat and protein everyday.... why does it not hold these settings in the default for the next day?

    This seems to be a change from previous experience.....
  • RickMc57
    RickMc57 Posts: 4 Member
    I set my goal at 2000 calories. When I go to the site today? 1500.

    Please fix this.
  • xrbjxdg6p4
    xrbjxdg6p4 Posts: 1 Member
    Did you figure out how to do it? Ran into the same problem.
  • 1sparkly1
    1sparkly1 Posts: 5 Member
    Mine keep changing too, it's very annoying & I although I change them back as soon as I notice it's decided I'm not loosing enough weight fast enough for it so it dictates my goals! It changes the next day but not the day it takes over my goals, so it messes up the averages.
  • GoSpyder
    GoSpyder Posts: 1 Member
    I changed my calories to 1700. The app is updated but the calories online revert to a custom daily setting based on mt weight. Its at 1890.
  • cpmead01
    cpmead01 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the thread. I have the premium version and turned off the fitness adjustment and it solved my issue of the calorie count changiing.