Must Resist Fast Food Especially Mcdonalds!!! Busy Lives ple

Hello Im sel, new to MFP and I am excited. I have been logging my food for four days and love to see how im doing on nutrients. the only difficult thing right now is i go to school, work and teach so i barely ever have time to make a healthy meal. I am always on the go. Its hard to resist not to go to mcdonalds drive thru and get something quick and eat while i drive. Any advice from busy lives?


  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Make better choices.

    Chick-fil-a Nuggets and a fruit cup or Wendy's chili.
    Pull up the nutrition info from several places and decide what would be better options.

    Also, keep some nuts, granola, some yummy/healthy snacks in your car or in a packed bag.

    Maybe you can cut down the amount of food you need to purchase and fill with fruit or healthy choices.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    We're all busy, we all have the same 24 hours in a day to work with.
    If eating healthy is important you'll find a way to fit it in. If that means one night a week you boil a dozen eggs for snacks for the next week, then great. If again you toss a chicken breast in the oven, why not toss 4 or 5 in to cover meals for the week? Can freeze them once they're cooked too if you have access to a way to warm them up at work/school. A crock-pot of oats put on at bed time on low and cooked overnight just requires you to put some in your bowl in the morning and top how you want. It's NOT "hard" to eat healthy or find time to fit some bonus cooking in ;)
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    Subway salads are a lot less calories than Mc Donalds salads. Subway sandwhiches are are a lot better for you than Mc Donalds also. I take a lunch box to work each day so I can watch what eat. I even take enough for snacks. My bad habit was stopping at the convience store for junk before driving my 30 home from work. Now I have healthy snacks.
  • tallteacher
    tallteacher Posts: 74 Member
    Some things that might help (maybe not). Keep healthy snacks in your car (nuts, granola bar, etc). When you DO have time to cook, cook for several days and put it in the fridge or freezer so you have healthy choices that are actually quicker than the drive thrus! If you are squeezed on time, use the crock pot or my favorite really quick recipe book "Pillsbury 30 minute recipes." Good luck!
  • sillygal008
    I never thought of keeping granolas in my car!!! great idea. I love it.
  • sillygal008
    Also i will try the cooking for several days that will definitely help with my busy schedule. Thanks all
  • 99Tinkerbell
    Pack, Pack, Pack. I plan ahead I always have to pack lunch and dinner because I am gone from the house 3 days a week for a 10 hour shift. I also have to make sure the one's left at home have something or my husband will feed them junk. I use the crock pot a lot for them or buy lean pockets and they will make them themselves. It's just a lot of planning. I think since you are handling all these things you can juggle this too. McDonald's is a NO NO!
  • Goshers
    I love french fries, that is my problem
  • youngmum
    I think if you try and make healthier options when you buy that'll make it easier.
    - McDonald's Hamburger: 260 calories, 9g fat (3.5g saturated fat)
    - McDonald's Seared Chicken Tandoori Wrap: 319 calories, 7 g fat (3g saturated)
    - McDonald's Seared Chicken Sweet Chilli Wrap: 364 calories, 11 g fat (3.3 g saturated)
    - McDonald's Seared Chicken Caesar Wrap: 397 calories, 15.1 g fat (5.6 g saturated)
    - McDonald's Classic Seared Chicken Burger: 390 calories, 12.1g fat (1.9g saturated)
    Add preferred drink of water (0 calories) or diet soda (0 calories), leave out the fries, add a side salad if you're extra hungry.
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    yes . Even with a busy live you have to sit at a table to eat .Don't eat in a car , in front of tv ,or doing something else. You sit and eat .
    Regarding McDonald's - I worked for them . Amazing company , not that much about the food. Eveything is processed. Once in a blue moon it's ok , 2-3 times per week = gain weight:)
    Pack your snacks , meals , everything so you are not going to be tempted to go in , and get something.
  • Teresava77
    Teresava77 Posts: 43 Member
    Try a slow cooker - I love mine, I get up half hour earlier and prepare a meal for the evening or even do it the night before. It means I know I have something waiting for me the minute I walk through the door so do point stopping at a takeaway. Anything left can be frozen for another night.
  • valerierackly74
    valerierackly74 Posts: 59 Member
    here in the UK our supermarkets have ready prepared fresh meals. meals with veg noodles and meat or fish in them, and they are good. . you just microwave them for ten minutes and they're really nice and they have all the nutrition values on the packs. i get sweet chilli beef noodles and they're better than a big mac anyday, less calories fat and salt in them too. friuts a good option when your out throught the day too. you can keep it in your bag so you can eat it on the go.
  • kagome5555
    kagome5555 Posts: 35 Member
    I know. I tend to slip up maybe once a week. It's sucks but it's hard not to eat fast food when you go out with friends to the movies or to the mall. Im just more careful the following day.
  • ladygh
    I have a hard time driving by the fast food restaurants! I love fries. I have been using a trick that helps me. I put a profile pic of myself in the car - it's a reminder why I am determined to lose weight. So far it has been the best way for me to resist stopping!