Five tips to keep on keeping on with your weightloss

jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
edited October 2024 in Motivation and Support
Five Vital Motivation Tips For You

Start Fresh - today is a new day. The past doesn't matter except to learn the important lesson. Look forward. Focus on the future and what you will achieve.

Ramp Up Your "Why" - think of your reason for action. Focus on the pain of not achieving your goal and use it to spur you forward.

Just Do It - you can read about all the motivation techniques in the world; however, most of the time, you simply need to do something. That first step is the hardest for a reason, but the effort is well worth it. Once you take it, you can build momentum from there.

Start With One Small Step - there is no rule that says you need to start with massive action. Everything starts with one step at at time. So start small and plan to finish big. Again, it gets the ball rolling in the direction you want to go.

Go at your own pace - this is your race and nobody elses. Therefore, do not compare yourself to others. You go at the pace that works for you. No need to put undue pressure on yourself. It may backfire if you do. Your most important goal is to enjoy the journey. It'll keep the motivation burning longer.


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