Support needed

This is my first post although I am not a newbie to myfitnesspal. I seriously need some support or suggestions on how to stay strong and stay on track when the people you live with eat CRAP. I am so frustrated right now, I have had a great day and came in under my calorie goals and decided to stay strong and not give in as my SO decides to go through the fast food drive through late at night with me in the car. It's late, I am hungry, and the smell of him eating that crap is killing me. I didn't eat anything as I know I would regret it later, but it's just so hard being around people who don't diet. It really bothered me. How do you deal with situations like this?


  • sidddiq
    HI there,

    Iused to have the same problem and the fact of the matter is last week was all like that and i messed up my calories quite a few times but i have found a solution to this after speaking to quite a few health watchers and they say the following:

    Have 5-6 small meals in a day

    intake veggies and fruits on regular basis

    If you are doing exterem cardio like i do then you have to break your meals into small serving size and have 5-6 small meals. As far as i go when ever my friends or fmaily eat crap i grab a banana and drink 500 ml of water that really works satisfies your belly and makes you active.

    if you would like to add me please feel free. I am also kinda like you using MFP for the last 10 months and hardly post any topics or such thing but very active in punching the calorie intake and immediate responder to messsages as i use the iphone app

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • neil3125
    neil3125 Posts: 39 Member
    whenever i crave something that is nutritionally disgusting i punch it in my iphone and see how much it would wreck my goals for the day. that usually is discouragement enough to turn down the junk food. usually.

    alternatively you can harrass and alienate those around you for their poor choices, until they have no choice but to eat healthy as to avoid your scorn; also a viable option ; )
  • Fiyero
    Agreed with the above post and your question is a good one. I am a uni student so there are tons of cafeterias about, McDonalds etc to which friends go between classes etc. I don't want to eat those things but at the same time I don't want to not participate and seem standoffish.

    So what I find works for me is to go to those places but order the healthy options. I love the Wendies Apple Pecan salad or the MCD's fruit yogurt parfait. Starbucks has protein smoothies which are nearly as tasty as those I make myself. The list goes on.
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    Of course, resisting the temptation is easier if you aren't hungry in the first place ...

    I know this is much easier said than done, but if you are having 5-6 smaller meals, then there is less likelihood that you will be so hungry that you can't resist.
  • Steph70508
    I can totally understand that feeling! My ex constantly kept junk food in the house and regularly whipped up rich, fatty dishes. It was very difficult resisting. Some of the things I did were stay busy in the house ie. wash clothes, sweep...brush my teeth often (who wants to eat brownies with mint mouth)...drink lots of water...and secretly throw away his junk food ;) <
    mean I know
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    I keep a small bag of dried fruit in my bag in case I get peckish when I'm out - it's hard to resist temptation sometimes but it's kept me on the wagon on a few occasions.
  • bansheechick
    Thank you everyone. It took a lot of will power not to eat something from Jack In The Box at 11:00 pm, lol.