I did something good today!

Celebrating even the little accomplishments can be very motivating, particularly on the tough days. Let's find something positive in every single day!

Yesterday, while in the midst of some pretty rockin' PMS cravings, I had a small DQ Blizzard (reese's and butterfinger, wow) and still stayed within my calorie goal!


  • annehdavis
    annehdavis Posts: 157 Member
    I love the idea of the snack size. I find if I don't just give in then it is on my mind and I overeat everything. Better to have the icecream then eat everything in the house. YOU ROCK!
  • smashleyt
    smashleyt Posts: 36 Member
    Awesome!!! I think that is what this website is helping me understand. It's not about excluding yourself from certain foods, it's about using portion control! I knew I was going to eat out last night so I watched what I ate throughout the day, exercised and then didn't eat the whole dinner. I stayed within my calorie range and the leftovers can be for dinner tonight (saves money)! :) Win, win!
  • kcmg0730
    Yeah, I'm a big believer in having a little bit of what you want, otherwise, it can turn into a binge!!

    It's great when you realise that you don't need the large Blizzard to feel satisfied...a small size does the job just fine!

    Well done!
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I love the mini blizzards. They are the best thing DQ could have done. If I am REALLY craving one, I'll allow myself a little one, and I'll leave the plain icecream (they never put enough mix-ins in there, do they?!) at the bottom untouched. I've already satisfied my craving! :)

    Very happy for you! :)
  • mmelledge
    Today my husband and kids went out to get McDonald's. I said nothing for me! Ok, I did have half a small coke. It was totally worth it.
  • mmelledge
    Today's something good... hmm.. I got up after 3 1/2 hours of sleep and made it to work at 5am. I even stayed an extra 2 hours.