Need to commit!

I’ve tried to commit many times over the last 5 years and just can’t stick with it. After my two older kids (11&13) I was able to lose 30 lbs and get to my lowest of about 145-150. I was in my late 20s then. Fast forward 10 yrs to my mid 30s and a 3rd kiddo (5yrs) and I’m at my highest weight ever at 203lbs.

I’m starting to track on MFP and going on walks 1-2miles or going to gym doing cardio for 1hrs.

Just looking for motivation, tips, tricks, and friends.


  • LifeChangz
    LifeChangz Posts: 457 Member
    How's it going? Sounds like a nice approach to get going...

    do, assess/look at how it's going, adjust/tweak the strategy, go more! you got this!
  • VaniyH
    VaniyH Posts: 12 Member
    Commitment and consistency is such a major hurdle to overcome, but we can definitely do it!

    I have been trying to remain committee to my goals but I find i give up on the days I feel I can't....I really think having accountability partners can help push us over the hurdle on those days we can't on our own.

    Would you be open to trying to be accountability buddies 🤭 ?
  • tristatriesagain
    tristatriesagain Posts: 22 Member
    Yes I can relate! If you want to add me as a friend, we can cheer each other on!
  • Maria_Albina
    Maria_Albina Posts: 24 Member
    My #1 piece of advice is don’t give up foods you love! If you have access to Tiktok, they have so many users who are geniuses with making your favorite meals healthy and still taste amazing. I made a pepperoni calzone that was only 600 cals and 50g of protein you just have to learn the right substitutes. Also take it one day at a time. We often think how far we have to go but if you take it one day at a time you can relax and focus on the present.