1 year 2 months down!

First time poster but long time user! I’ve struggled to maintain weight for the last 6 years and gained a lot after the birth of my son. In February of 2022, I reached my highest weight of 210 pounds and something clicked that this was it! A year and 2 months later, 80+ pounds down and started incorporating strength training in January 2023. Down 9 more pounds from my goal weight and working on increasing muscle now and taking an interest in becoming a personal trainer in the near future.rgaodk3thueb.jpeg
Best life style change I ever made!!!


  • mbosco88m
    mbosco88m Posts: 13 Member
    Awesome progress!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    The term "you go girl!" was meant for you. Great work.
  • evelynaugros
    evelynaugros Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for sharing!! I am in the position you were at the beginning of your journey. Just had a baby girl in February and at the end of pregnancy I was 208, I dropped to 178 not long after but now I'm having trouble getting the scale to budge. Do you have any advice for starting out?
  • mynameisnewmie
    mynameisnewmie Posts: 8 Member
  • tristatriesagain
    tristatriesagain Posts: 22 Member
    That’s awesome!
  • Mattldelaney
    Mattldelaney Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome journey and progress. Congrats on all of your hard work.
  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,373 Member
    edited May 2023
    Wow, awesome job! You look like you're going backward in age.
  • sandriver
    sandriver Posts: 7 Member
    That's really awesome!! Good job! :D
  • beautyandababe
    beautyandababe Posts: 26 Member
    How did you do it? What were your macros and calories? What did you do for exercise?
  • beautyandababe
    beautyandababe Posts: 26 Member
    Also - you’re absolutely GORGEOUS and I am completely jealous of that face and that bod!
  • erojoy
    erojoy Posts: 554 Member
    Way to go! So excited for you that it led to a career you want to pursue! Nice work!
  • Angie23693
    Angie23693 Posts: 3 Member
    You look fantastic! Congratulations! Your hard work paid off. I love your freckles too.
  • jossbatallas
    jossbatallas Posts: 2 Member
    Hello again!! I’m so late on replying to all these WONDERFUL comments, I didn’t even realize I had this many responses! First off, thank you all so much for the positive feedback and kind words, it means so much to me!
    Thank you for sharing!! I am in the position you were at the beginning of your journey. Just had a baby girl in February and at the end of pregnancy I was 208, I dropped to 178 not long after but now I'm having trouble getting the scale to budge. Do you have any advice for starting out?
    My best advice for starting out is break up you main goal into several parts, don’t look at it as a whole. I got extremely discouraged thinking about the total weight I wanted to lose so I thought of it in 10 pound increments instead! What kept me motivated was thinking of my future self. Far too many times when I had failed previous “diets”, I’d think back to it and about how if I had just stuck to it, where might I have been at that point in time? Anytime I felt like I was struggling, I reminded myself of that feeling and I would tell myself “future you will thank you”.

    How did you do it? What were your macros and calories? What did you do for exercise?
    Calorie deficit overall! For my height, weight and activity level at the time, MyFitnessPal had set me to 1330 for calories so I always stayed just under that. For macros, whatever it was set to under nutrition, I always tried to go above my protein each day and be mindful to stay under the carbs and fats. I paid attention to the sugar and sodium as well. It wasn’t until I began regularly exercising, a combo of cardio and strength training this past January that I upped my calorie intake to 1600 and increased my protein to 140+ grams per day to increase muscle. This may not work for everyone as everyone’s body is different, but this is just what worked for me! I was and am never hungry at the end of the day so pay attention to your body.

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