TIRED of always being the FATTEST person in EVERY room

emorrison72 Posts: 10
edited October 3 in Introduce Yourself
Hello ALL,

My name is Erica and I am the mother of 5 children. I can tell you that being the fattest person in EVERY room just became too much. I have always been very heavy but this was just out of control. I began this Jan 2011 on a calorie restriced eating plan and lost 68 lbs in 4.5 months. It sounds good huh, but no one told me when you do a calorie restricted diet that stringent that you begin to loose you hair from lack of protien.

SOOOOOO I went and took off the summer to hopefully regrow some of my hair. It worked and then I began working my calorie coutning eating plan again but this time I am adding 250 calories more to my day and so far NO problems and NO LOOSING HAIR. I must admit I have began to LOVE STEPPING ON THE SCALE, even at the dr. office. They are in SHOCK when they weigh me.

I guess I should have said NO SURGERY of any kind, this is all calorie counting. I was using a different calorie coutning software but then changed to this one due to money issues. It has been a learning curve but I like it.

I hope to meet others who are sharing this struggle and are more than just 40 lbs over weight. I have lost 68 lbs. and have over 100 left to loose. If you are like me and want a diet buddy Let me know!!


  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    wow you did awesome!! i hope you've increased your protein count. i've lost 60 lbs in almost 6 mos and i try to eat 30% of my calories from protein. the recommended MFP values on protein are very low but you can change them by going to goals, then select change goals, then select custom. there you can set up your macros (carbs, proteins, and fat) to how you want them to be. Again, well done!! Keep it up, I know you can do it.
  • HeatherrSue
    HeatherrSue Posts: 106 Member
    I've had problems losing my hair too but seems no matter what I've changed, that part doesn't change. Anyway, I'm at goal weight now but spent a year on my journey losing my weight. I do however currenlty have a weight loss group page on Facebook where we all support eachother and there's quite a few in there still looking to lose over 50+ pounds. We do a weekly weigh in on Fridays to help keep us all motivated. Love for you to join us if you'd like to. I love combining that with MFP...it really helped me hit my goal.
    Best of luck to you and congrats on how far you've already come,

  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    add me up! I hate having to survey the room to see if I'm the fattest !
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    I'm Nita. I've had my hair thinning drastically while not on a calorie restricted diet. Since I wasn't paying attention to what I ate I don't know if lack of protien is the cause. I do know that not paying attention to what I was eating led to my highest weight of 212lbs. I've lost 7lbs. so far but have at least 76lbs . to go.
    I can always use another friend. Just send a friends request if you'd like.
  • I am also tired of being the biggest gal in the room! I gained 65 lbs. during my divorce over 10 years ago, and gradually gained another 20...so now I'm determined to take it off. I've started on a 1000 calorie diet, drinking tons of water and doing 3 15-minute low impact aerobics a day. I already have more energy (could be the Shaklee multi vitamins I started taking:)) and love reading stories like yours. You are my inspiration, thanks for posting. I've loaded my freezer up with weight watcher, lean cuisine and healthy choice meals...easy and quick. Also I'm eating chicken, salmon and lots of green veggies. Good luck to you losing the remaining weight...I can't wait until I'm down 68 lbs. :)
  • TGomo
    TGomo Posts: 35
    Erica -

    Congratulations on your weight loss! It is SO hard! What you said really hit home with me. I have nearly the same words in my profile. I started a 10 week challenge at a nearby center 4 weeks ago. It has hard, but great! I have lost 10 pounds as of this morning - end of week 4. I have two children and a crazy work / home life. I decided to get in shape because I am sick and tired of: being winded after going up a flight of stairs, being embarrassed when I am on vacation and have to wear a bathing suit, looking like I am 9 months pregnant (my baby days are long over), trying to avoid people that used to know the former thin me when I see them out, and pretending that it doesn't bother me to be the heaviest one in the room - it so does!

    I lost some hair also when I went on a strict diet years ago. My doctor stated that lack of protein and lack of fat contribute to hair loss. Crazy to think I needed to work fat into my diet - it is calorie laden, but good fat is essential for your skin, hair, and nails.

    Keep up the great work!
  • Hi!!!

    I am new to this site as well but am very pleased so far.
    I am always the fattest person in the room and I am going to change that!!
    I have lost 11 but I have about 200 to go!!
    I would love to be buddies as I am going to be at this for a long time!
  • Thanks Marie,

    I have added the extra protien and WHAT a big DIFFERENCE it has made. I am glad to hear you are doing well on your program. I hope we can encourage each other along this journey.
  • well done for what you've already lost!!
    now's your chance to take that SHOCK factor to a whooole noda level :)
    blow them away - you can do it xxxxxxx
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I have 70 more pounds to lose, but remember, don't just diet ladies.Exercise. For those of us over 50 we need weight bearing exercise to keep our bones strong. Cardio gets the heart strong, and weight training helps melt it off. You can do it!
  • Heather,

    WOW what an encouraging story you have shared. THANK YOU, I do wish someone had said "Hey if your on a calorie restricted diet" it will or could possibly cause these side effects...

    I must admit that the added protien has made a HUGE difference in my hair loss. I had tried nexium hair restorer shampoo, different hair related products, and then adding the extra LEAN protien and omega fish/krill oils to my new eating plan made it flat out STOP.

    Let me know if you want the spefics on the suppliments that worked for me. I would be happy to share..

    Again, CONGRATS!! on your awesome weight loss.
  • nkrueger1
    nkrueger1 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi Erica...add me I would enjoy taking this weight loss journey with you....

  • Amen & AMEN to your signature.... We CAN do ALL things thru CHrist who strengthens us...
  • Susan,

    AWESOME JOB you have done.... I too enjoy reading post by poeple who "get it". Its tough to admit you have an eating issue let alone the grief when you try and make those life changes in your eating. I am convinced my body craves mc donalds food. LOL, now when I go to mc donalds I eat a side salad and a mc double if I truly want it. I am still actively loosing the weight just at a slower pace then when I was on a 1200 calories a day.

    I hope you find your plan works for you... I sure have learned that NO ONE will ever know what works for everyone.. i have personally taken ideas from SOOOO many different "diets" and made up my own plan which works for me. I also can share with you that (for me) I have learned that routine is a bad thing as my body begins to remember and shuts down. So (for me) I do one month of one way then add slight changes the following month to keep my body guessing.

    Can't wait to hear more of your success...


    I hear your words and they mirror my thoughts... Learning to add olive oil, good fats and more protien into my diet changed it all for me.

    I hope that you continue on your road to success and find what you need along this path to encourage you and keep you focused on the end result.

    I personally have been severely over weight my whole life so for me, NO ONE has seen me thin. I can't wait to do the normal things I can't do now; like cross my legs, not worry when I go out if I will fit into a booth, and being the fattest person in every room. I get so tired of people having to "get to know me" rather then be so thin and pretty that I am accepted on sight.. not sure if that makes sense to you.. but that is my crutch to bare.

    Well I pray nothing but success in your journey to lose weight. I thank you for sharing your story with me. You inspire me!!
  • EmieDawn,

    I loved your post, I too am going to be here for a LONG TIME... but we CAN do this. I believe that encouragement and NO condemnatin is essential to our success. We are all going to have off days, but everytime we sit to eat is a new chance to make the right choices.

    Be Blessed,

  • AGREED!!!!!!!

    I circuit train every other day, do elliptical for 45 mins. every other day and do yoga the days off. I am desprately trying to lose my "bat wings", I long for the day my tri ceps look good. If you have any ideas to help me in this area I should would appreciate them.
  • Dumb question: how do we apply our fitness ticker to our post?
  • KazziaLlewellynn
    KazziaLlewellynn Posts: 127 Member
    Hi! I'm Kim, or Kaz whichever you prefer to call me, Kaz is my nickname!

    If you look under the dark blue heading that says Message Boards>>Introduce Yourself... You'll see Home, Recent Posts, My Topics, Signature, and Search, Click signature, it goes in the little box there for Forums!!! Hope that helps! And great Job so far. Feel free to add me!

    Sorry edited to add Hi! My name is Kim...
  • Do I ever know what you mean. I had a scare about a month ago, chest pain When I saw the Dr he said he took this very seriously and I must have a stress test. I was so out of shape I couldn't walk, they had to medically incuce the test. I thought my heart would beat right out of my chest. Lucky for me everything tested out to my benefit, but when he started naming risk factors I have...family history, overweight, high b/p, elevated cholesterol etc I got a real good reality check. I forgot to say I am 64 married to a wonderful man, 3 grown children plus 6 grandchildren. I began trying harder than I ever have. I recently went to the beach, yes I was the biggest, but next year I really don't believe I will be. I didn't gain it overnight and I wan't lose it overnight. It is a real struggle for folks like us. Noone really knows this feeling. I have pretty good self esteme but oh how wonderful it would be to not be the fattesst person in the room!
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