So what's so bad about carbs?

I've heard so many things about carbs.. some say it's necessary, some say we need just a minimal amount, some say calories are calories and it doesn't matter where they come from..

So what's so bad about carbs if they are coming from unprocessed (or lightly processed), whole foods suck as fruit, vegetables, whole grains, brown rice, quinoa etc...

Just curious to say what everyone thinks


  • rockylucas
    rockylucas Posts: 343 Member
    There is nothing bad at all about carbs, so long as they are coming from the sources you mentioned, (fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc)
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    Speaking for myself...when I eat grains and sugars I break out in fat, pimples, depression, anxiety, cravings, overeating, etc etc.

    So I opt for a 90% meat and fat diet...10% vegetables (give or take) and I feel awesome!

    I'm not going to get into the debate...but I'm sure this is much more common than people want to admit to :)
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    In general they're a huge amount of calories for little nutrition.

    Mostly the kinda stuff like a huge plate of pasta you'd get at a restaurant (usually its 2 or 3x a portion) or some sort of super-sweet dessert, tons of carbs and sugar, again weight in at 300-500+ calories.

    If you're gonna get that dirty with your carbs, at least get some vitamins or somethin, keep that skin and hair lookin sexy.

    I always say a good carb is like a good woman..

    -it doesn't exist.

    jk. Complex.

    Actually, I don't even say that, i just wanted to make up a joke.

  • mikemsolberg
    Carbs are not bad, they are essential to any's just how you eat them. You sound like someone that may benefit from learning about fast carbs, slow carbs and protein meals. It allows you to eat whatever you want but you have to eat them in the right combination's in order to control the way your body metabolizes them and to control your blood sugar. If you split a plate up into 3 sections define them 1. slow carbs which are your veggies and some fruit 2. fast carbs which is your pasta and breads and 3. protein. You should be able to google this diet philosophy and get some really good tips.
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    Nothing IMO!! Keep getting them from the sources you said and I think you will be good!
    I like to shoot for a 40%(carb) 40%(protein) 30%(fat) ratio. This works best for me.
  • alaina_anderson
    In general they're a huge amount of calories for little nutrition.

    Mostly the kinda stuff like a huge plate of pasta you'd get at a restaurant (usually its 2 or 3x a portion) or some sort of super-sweet dessert, tons of carbs and sugar, again weight in at 300-500+ calories.

    If you're gonna get that dirty with your carbs, at least get some vitamins or somethin, keep that skin and hair lookin sexy.

    I always say a good carb is like a good woman..

    -it doesn't exist.

    jk. Complex.

    Actually, I don't even say that, i just wanted to make up a joke.


    LOL :laugh:

    I know carbs coming from pasta and desserts etc.. are bad but I was mainly curious about why people worry about the complex carbs coming from fruits, veggies, whole grains ec..
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I don't think there's anything bad about carbs from natural and lightly processed sources. It really comes down to listening to your body and figuring out what your needs are and what sort of diet fuels you the best.

    I tried low carb dieting with a friend. I was just fine on it, he had no energy at all. Different people have different needs.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Personally it just doesn't fill me up as long as protein does. Usually if you're counting calories as well as loading up on carbs, your protein lacks (not in all cases). So for me, it's easier to keep my calories fairly low if I have a moderate amount of carbs (100g or less) so I can get in a high amount of protein everyday.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    In general they're a huge amount of calories for little nutrition.


    If carbs are coming from dairy or grain based products (for instance) they have to be fortified (in some cases by law) because they're not as complete nutritionally as vegetables, meat, fruit, nuts, etc. When choosing foods for good health or weight loss, better to select carbs that offer a good nutritional return. If you're choosing food to stuff your face ... well, whatever :-)
  • elmsallmissile
    I reckon distance runners & cyclists would be well stuffed without 'em!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    When choosing foods for good health or weight loss, better to select carbs that offer a good nutritional return. If you're choosing food to stuff your face ... well, whatever :-)

    Words to live by. I would also add "if you're choosing food for the pure enjoyment of delicious food, make it really REALLY worth it." I've been trying to be highly selective with the dense carbohydrate sources I eat. If I'm going to eat bread, it's going to be amazing bread and not just a vehicle for sandwich fixings. Ditto for pasta (haven't felt the need there -- I'd rather just eat the meatballs and sauce on riced cauliflower). Ditto for sweets -- that chocolate better be AMAZING.
  • KazziaLlewellynn
    KazziaLlewellynn Posts: 127 Member
    According to my nutritionist some carbs are necessary, preferably from the sources you mention. People require a certain amount for brain and body functions. She said to try to eat carbs only from natural sources or lightly processed as you've stated. So from her talk, I gathered that some are good, some are bad, but no matter what some are necessary. Just my two cents.