exercise tips for a mom of two small children??

Hi everyone! I'm a mom to an 11 month old who's running around everywhere and a 4 yr old.. is there any tips on how to keep an exercise routine with them around? I've tried the biggest loser for kinect but if you're a mom you know how hard it is to try to workout with your little ones running around.. I'm going to try hopping on my exercise bike while my baby is napping but I would like some other ideas bc I will get bored of the bike everyday!
Thanks! <3<3


  • BethlovesRene
    BethlovesRene Posts: 85 Member
    I wake up before they do and go running or to the gym :) I'm too tired by the end of the day
  • Dianaka
    Dianaka Posts: 48 Member
    i am a mommy to 11 month old too! It is hard to do anything with them running around or climbing up your legs... I started taking a dog for a power walk/jog every morning and night when the kids are in bed and my husband is back home from work. I would love to get some new ideas for exercising with babies around too!
  • cathysexy
    you and your eldest could do sit ups :)
  • Movingonforbetter
    :flowerforyou: Do you have a stereo? Put some music on and dance hard like a fool with them. I do that everyday. Plus I use my Wii and play tennis and just dance. Go for walks.......... pushing a stoller with child counts.
    Not much help to you I am sure but I am down some weight doing this
  • mssgirl11
    mssgirl11 Posts: 99 Member
    I have a four yr old also and I wake up and go for a jog or walk before he does. The evenings just seem to fly by! :happy:
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    I wait until everyone has gone to bed. Sometimes I don't get to exercise until 9 or 10pm. I've tried waking up early, but that didn't work very well for me.
  • sponausv
    sponausv Posts: 2 Member
    Definitely try getting up early and doing a DVD before they wake up. I work full time and have a 2 year old and hubby is military and not home much, the best thing I found is a gym on my way home that has a really nice child care center - they watch him while I work out in peace :-) I definitely would never be able to get anything done during the day while he is up.
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    I have a 3 month old and a 2 1/2 year old and I typically workout during afternoon nap time. But my maternity leave is up in a week so this week I will start waking up early to get it in since that's how I'll have to do it when I return to work.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    I get up before my kids to workout. I am currently doing Turbo Fire at 4am.
  • srandle175
    I have two very hyper boys. My youngest is 1 and my oldest is 6. I sometimes take them to the park and I walk or run aroud the track while my oldest plays and my youngest is in the stroller. Or I leave them with grandma. But I mostly workouk in the morning when my oldest goes to school. If you can afford a gym membership some of them have childcare!!!
  • Hollie55
    Hollie55 Posts: 65 Member
    I have a 6yr old, 3 yr old twins & an 8 month old & I go to the gym every monring after dropping miss 6 at the bus stop. My gym has a supervised kids room every morning between 9-10.30 am. Maybe look for a gym that has a creche? If not as others have said go walking, get up before everyone else, or go to the park and run around :)
  • ABetterBalance
    Double post, sorry
  • ABetterBalance
    When mine were younger I did the workouts with them running around. It was a HUGE distraction some days, but I would set them up with some toys and books and then pop in a DVD. They got under foot a lot, but they also became very interested in what I was going.

    I won't lie and say I was never frustrated, or that all my workouts were completed with 100% focus and intensity. I *will* say that I think my kids are better for it. I have never kept working out or cooking healthy as a separate thing, they were always included. Now as they are getting older, they love to exercise, they sign up for 1 mile fun runs when I do 5K races, they make fruit smoothies on the weekends, and they eat more veggies than any adult on either side of the family.

    My advice is to figure out a distraction if needed, but incorporate them as much as possible. They will learn over time to not climb all over you, and you will set a fantastic example for them.
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    Mall walk. It's free and it's climate controlled.

    Or let the kids play in the kids play zone and walk circles around it.
  • Jay1085
    Hey I'm a mom of a 9mo old and a 2yr old...I know EXACTLY how you feel. My husband goes to work by 530am and does not get home until 530pm. I value my sleep too much to get up before my husband goes to work thank you. :)

    I've lost over 20lbs by really watching my calories on here and by walking a few miles everyday with a double stroller. We have a huge walking park in our town that's exactly a mile around and there's a nice park in the center. So I tell my toddler that mommy gets to walk (at least) twice around and then we'll stop and play for awhile. Keeps him content knowing he WILL get to play eventually. :) This park has lots of hills and twists and turns so it is quite a workout, especially when you add about 50lbs worth of children plus the stroller itself. Thankfully my hubby works 4-10s so h's off every Friday-Sunday. So on those days I'm able to go by myself to the same park but with some arm weights. Those days I go around as many times as I can in about an hour and a half. Sometimes 2 hours....depends on how I'm feeling. LOL

    I tried the Biggest Loser last chance workout dvd, but I had that same problem with kids around me and trying to "help". If you think of any other ideas, then please share...but this is what has worked for me with our schedule.

    Good luck!
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I'm a mom to a 10 month old and a 2 year old. I did insanity workout and am about to do p90x. I workout when my younger child naps. My older son goes in his room and watches TV or plays with his toys. Sometimes i do have to pause but it's all about doing as much as you can with the time you got. I also recently joined the YMCA. Childwatch is free with the membership so i'm going out to classes now.
  • xoxo_kelly
    Thanks everyone! I really like the answer about dancing with them.. that is a good workout and they would love it! My 11 month olds version of dancing is squating up and down.. but hey that's exercise! Lol my hubby works 8pm-8am and sleeps allllllll day and I can't really afford a gym membership, that is going to be one of my goals though when I lose some weight.. and sad to say I live in the boonies so our street has no sidewalks, just road so I don't feel too safe walking with my children in it (speed limits mean nothing to these idiots) but I live on like a half acre of land so I will load my youngest in the stroller and walk around.. thanks guys and add me if you'd like!
  • seriousaboutlife
    seriousaboutlife Posts: 177 Member
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    My biggest tip for SAHMs is a good gym, with a great childcare. It can cost $, but look into your options in your area. For me, there are a hundred other places I would cut costs before I would cut our gym membership. I'm not even a gym person, I'd rather lift at home and jog the neighborhood sometimes, but the gym is worth it for the daycare. My kids are supervised by great ladies (mostly other moms who get a discount for working there, or teenagers who love to come babysit, too), coloring pictures, playing games, and at my gym they even do classes. My older girls do gymnastics and ballet, my 2yo does dancing and tumbling, while I spin or catch a yoga class. I can't recommend it highly enough! (but try out the options, our old gym had the kids watch tv all the time, not the biggest deal in the world, but I definitely prefer the gym we're using now!).
    I also like to jog just after bedtime when my husband is home, but that cuts it close- sometimes it gets too dark before I can get out.

    Eta: sorry, I got excited & posted without reading all the responses, now I see your last. I'd call local gyms and see if any offer memberships fir employees and are hiring. Half of our "gym-care" (that's what my 3 little ones call it) workers are moms who put in a couple of hours working in the daycare or washing towels, then their kids stay in the daycare while mom works out after her shift. Worth a try!
  • jessicamckay13
    Squats, jumping jacks, lunges, pushups, jump rope, ab workouts, planks, etc.

    Google 100 pushup challenge!