week 1...stayed exactly the same

This week was very interesting... I kept track of everything I ate so I could immerse myself with this website. I worked out twice but overate about 300 calories every day. Guess what.? I remained Exactly the same as last SAturday! LEsson learned! This week I plan on working out at least 1 more time and watching my caloric intak. Has anyone else not lost in the first week?


  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I didn't lose anything this week but that's ok. I know that I still worked out a lot and ate well so I'm not worried about it. I'll make up for it next week.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    They didn't have MFP when I was in week one. I wrote my calories in a notebook :) Anyway, before I started keeping track, I was exercising 5 days a week, *thought* I was eating better, and went a few weeks without a loss. I was like "Why am I going to all this trouble to exercise if I'm not seeing results?" So I logged, and I stuck to my calorie deficit like I was supposed to. The weight came off like it was supposed to. The rest is history.

    An added bonus is that I learned that enjoy exercise shortly into this whole thing. I felt "off" if I didn't get enough of it. I learned to decide if going over was worth it to me because, as you know, exercise isn't easy. So.. I guess I'm saying "It gets better."
  • lizp87
    Thanks so much...your post really helped me out alot. I will do this!
  • lizp87
    Thanks for the support!