Memorial Day

Terrafitness Posts: 4 Member
It is usually the first event of summer. Being overweight is a drag during the summer. How do you stay positive when u feel so negative? As a prior gym person most of my life- this is so hard as people even suggest going to a gym… mentally i do not think i am fully there yet


  • BarbaLuchando
    BarbaLuchando Posts: 4 Member
    You have to find your why. Why do you want to be in shape and healthy. Why are you doing this and why you want the change. Once you find that out most of your questions would be answered. It’s easy to stay stagnant and If you do you won’t strive to move forward. Even if you fall forward look back to see how far you’ve gone.
  • ___Soundwave___
    ___Soundwave___ Posts: 1,190 Member
    Commit to making a change, and know it will take time. Maybe it will take a year, or two...

    But then take comfort knowing you're on the right path. In a way, you can relax about not being at your goal right now. Your goal is a year or two away. You're not supposed to be there already.

    Keep your chin up. You can lose your weight and get in better shape. Know that you will, and feel good about yourself for being on the right path.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Just go to the gym.

    Don't wait for motivation. Motivation is a sucker-bet.

    Today, I have 'little to no' motivation... but I'll go to the gym at my usual time and do what I need to do.
    Some of the best training sessions I have are those days when I didn't want to be in the gym from the beginning.

    Focus on discipline instead of motivation.

    Best of Luck !

    (that is, if you believe in luck; I don't.)
  • PlentyofProtein00
    PlentyofProtein00 Posts: 3,668 Member
    I do fun active things...hike, lift weights at home, nature walks, kayaking, picnic, snow cones, make fruit salad or healthy dessert to share.

    As far as being ready for gym...I workout at home for ease and convenience. I started with a calendar and marked one day I would commit to one workout. After few weeks I upped it to 2 days for few weeks then 3 ...I now do 4 weight days with 2 to 3 runs or walks. And now my calendar goal is to get 7000 steps most days of the week and 90 to 100 most days. Setting manageable goals keeps me motivated
  • ___Soundwave___
    ___Soundwave___ Posts: 1,190 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Just go to the gym.

    Don't wait for motivation. Motivation is a sucker-bet.

    Today, I have 'little to no' motivation... but I'll go to the gym at my usual time and do what I need to do.
    Some of the best training sessions I have are those days when I didn't want to be in the gym from the beginning.

    Focus on discipline instead of motivation.

    Best of Luck !

    (that is, if you believe in luck; I don't.)

    One time I waited around idk 5 years or more to get motivated.

    It eventually worked, but it would have made better sense to just go ahead and do the uncomfortable when I didn't want to do that.