Calorie Issues!

Okay so I've eaten for the past 2 days (how long I've been joined) Like I always do, input everything, and I mean everything into my diary, and both days and over 1000 calories under what is says I should be eating...Can this be why I cannot seem to lose weight? And what are healthy ways to get those calories that I seem to need?


  • Foxzy
    Foxzy Posts: 38
    Give it some more time to see results.
  • KazziaLlewellynn
    KazziaLlewellynn Posts: 127 Member
    I have been eating carefully *ish* like this for almost 2 years now, same weight. No loss, no gain. I stay a steady weight. No health problems other than severely overweight. *Should've put that in the first post.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    One suggestion would be less processed foods.
  • keithaj1
    keithaj1 Posts: 71 Member
    Add some daily cardio as well as cutting calories.
  • girard5
    girard5 Posts: 109 Member
    It might be - you have to eat to lose - sounds so contradictory doesn't it! What is your weight loss goal? I know what is really working for me is eating every couple of hours and eating a lot of fresh veggies, lean protein, healthy fats and fruit.
  • megan6709
    megan6709 Posts: 60 Member
    I found that when I started logging daily, I would eat less because I knew the evidence would be staring back at me right away. I'm not saying that's what happened, but it might be a small contributing factor you're not aware of. Good luck!
  • KazziaLlewellynn
    KazziaLlewellynn Posts: 127 Member
    I'll try that. I'm not the greatest at eating natural. It'll be a good start. I just want to be healthy, I don't even wanna be skinny. I just want to be healthy.

    I'll work on the cardio, I'm trying to safely step it up. I've been lazy most of my life, one of the I don't care if I'm fat, kinda people, but I realized I don't just have me to worry about now.

    Thanks, I'll try eating more veggies! I love them so that shouldn't be a problem for me!

    I'll also try to make sure I'm not skipping out just because I don't wanna see it in black and white, and green, or RED!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I've learned/heard that your body gets use to the same things after awhile, metabolizes it slower(I think) and therefore it's not challenging to your body, and it doesn't burn any fat. so i would only suggest upping your water intake, and maybe adding more calories by using what you already eat. so yo eat 1 egg, eat another in the same meal. add healthy fat like in nuts/beans {adds calories} and increase exercise time if you are able.
  • KazziaLlewellynn
    KazziaLlewellynn Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks! I'll try that. I need water to keep me going anyway. I know better than to drink so little. I appreciate the advice. I really want to lose this long term, and never ever go back to a lifestyle that gains it back.
  • sportacio
    sportacio Posts: 3 Member
    hey! welcome to fitnesspal.! im new too but ive always had a real good feel on how to lose weight. u need to keep your metabolism running! if u have 3-sit-down meals in a day....ur metabolism is gna go slow! my mom [lportacio, in case u wanna add her, shes new too!] intakes like 600 cals a day...and ur body will store that automatically as fat. Im going to tell you how to get more . in the morning have ur breakfast, snack [healthy, apple .. granola bar, yogurt]...lunch, snack, dinner. you shud be eating every 3 hours! i hope this helps! Good luck on your journey!
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    You might not see a lot of progress in two days, so don't get discouraged yet!

    But, when I started with a goal of 1 lb/wk and 1200 cals per day, I didn't lose anything!

    A friend of mine suggested upping my intake and upping my activity. Since I've done that, I've been slowly losing.

    You might consider eating more, but taking a daily walk (or if you want to stay inside...jog in place), to start with, or invest in a good workout DVD for your fitness level.

    Good luck to you!! :)
  • ItsMeBlue
    ItsMeBlue Posts: 25 Member
    first..i'm guessing the sodium is killing you. not to mention, under 1200 calories is starvation mode. i've been doing this for 3 weeks and i lost 2 inches in my pants width already. try more fresh veggies, egg whites only (15 calories per egg white), and stay with chicken or turkey or fish for your protiens. you would be surprised what you can eat in a day and stay below the calories allowed by this website. i'm not talking batting down the hatches and demolishing buffets like i used to. but i'm actually full after a normal meal. it rocks! good luck with it!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Welcome to MyFitnessPal. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I love being active again. I love fitting into some of my old clothes. I love my my fitness pals!

    A couple of things you might consider: You didn't mention your exercise. Are you exercising a lot more now? Have you dropped the junk foods and artificial sweeteners? Exercise and healthy, natural foods will help normalize your metabolism.

    Stick with this, and you will be successful! Have fun!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Well I have heard cutting soda and sugary drinks helps a lot! I have never been a soda drinker though.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I didn't lose the first week but once I lost the first pound the second week so far so good. I started Sept 1. I don't have any trouble eating my calories (haha) so that may be some of your problem. If you simply are not hungry, you can bump up your calories with something like peanut butter. It doesn't take much to add a lot of calories but you are getting a lot of protein and good fats. The same with eating nuts. It doesn't take many to make up your calories. Based on my experience so far, you need to eat as close to your calories as possible or your body will go into starvation mode and your metabolism will slow to a crawl.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member

    Welcome to MFP

    I checked your dairy and I have some ideas you might be able to implement. Try to watch your sodium intake and up your water intake. If I drink less than 8 glasses (most of the time 16 glasses) I don't see a loss. You will cut your sodium intake if you just start eating less of the processed stuff. Add more fresh fruit and veg to your diet. Once you take control over the sodium you'll really notice the weight drop.

    Also, don't eat 1000 calories less than what MFP says to eat. Eat all your calories or as close as possible.

    When I started controlling my sodium and upping my water the weight started to drop fast. It takes a few to get a hang of it but really it does such a HUGE dramatic change once you do get a hold of it.

    Also, give it more than a couple days. You should start to seeing a change once you get that sodium under control

    - FRESH veg
    - FRESH fruit
    - Up the water intake (ATLEAST 8 cups)
    - Watch sodium intake
  • KazziaLlewellynn
    KazziaLlewellynn Posts: 127 Member
    @sportacio: I will have to try eating every 3 hours. This is the first time I've ever recorded everything I put in my mouth and its' a little daunting, but I'm tryin not to let that phase me.

    @russellma: Thanks! I'm trying to up my fitness, I hadn't thought about a dvd.

    @Slither1: I'm hearing a lot of folks say to eat veggies and chicken, turkey, fish, so I'll try to incorporate more of that as well. I'm really fighting the sodium. I never realized how much I was taking in a day! I didn't even think about it. I'll try for the lighter healthier foods. Egg whites...umm, I've never eaten them alone, do they taste okay?

    @love22step: As far as exercise I'm doing more than I normally do. On a day to day basis I'm fairly active. I work in a daycare with 2 year olds so I do a lot of moving, dancing, chasing, just kid things. But not the same thing for extended periods. I've started dancing again which I love, but I'm having to build back up to it. It is sad how far I let myself get.

    @fairysoul: I hope that will help for some reason I had two today, which I NEVER do. I don't get mocha's anymore, now I remember why, and normally I drink water with Hawaiian Punch's sugar free drink mix in it. I'm hoping that if I cut them out completely I can lose some of the sugars. Since someone just told me processed foods are bad, and sugar is WAY processed. Thank you Google!

    @MIMITIME: Thanks! I'll try to remember to eat my calories. I just don't feel as hungry for the past few months. I've always fought with wanting to over eat, and I'm sure it will be the same next time I eat pasta or something I truly love, but I'm trying not to eat those things.

    @eeeekie: Thanks. I guess I just have a lot to work on. Some of the things I'm doing in a bad way I never notices. As I said above OMW at the sodium. I guess I focused so hard on fats I never watch the calories or the sodium. I never really thought about what I put into my body so much as how much.

    Are frozen veggies an okay sub for fresh? I'm in the first year of marriage so fresh veggies are hard to get my hands on right now.
  • NurseHthr
    NurseHthr Posts: 43 Member
    first..i'm guessing the sodium is killing you. not to mention, under 1200 calories is starvation mode. i've been doing this for 3 weeks and i lost 2 inches in my pants width already. try more fresh veggies, egg whites only (15 calories per egg white), and stay with chicken or turkey or fish for your protiens. you would be surprised what you can eat in a day and stay below the calories allowed by this website. i'm not talking batting down the hatches and demolishing buffets like i used to. but i'm actually full after a normal meal. it rocks! good luck with it!
    This dude has got it completely right. eat more of the "right" things, watch your sodium, up your water.
    It WILL come off! Get moving and track every single bite! You sholdl probably be eating way way more than 1200 cals if you're severely overweight
  • KazziaLlewellynn
    KazziaLlewellynn Posts: 127 Member
    Thank you. I'll keep that advice in mind. Since I now have several people telling me to stick with the guidelines I'll try to follow more closely with healthier foods.

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to check it out and get back to me. I know that's a few minutes you won't get back but I appreciate it!

    Anyone needing a cheering section, sounding board, or good ear, or friend, feel free to add me.
  • Kambriasgranny
    Well 2 days is not enough time to really have a grip on what's going on. You may want to check what your calories and made up of, ie. fruits, veggies, processed food?? Eating 1200 calories of veggies and fruits and lean protein is MUCH better than 1200 calories of snack foods, ice cream and processed junk. I know, because I am guilty of exactly this crime!!! I look at my friends food diary who are losing weight steadily and the main difference is what kind of calories tey are eating. Don't get down on yourself...this is a slow and steady race.......Good Luck!