Really need someone to talk to

I am going through worst period of my is like hell , anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts .please help


  • Angi_Pangi
    Angi_Pangi Posts: 3 Member
    I'm so sorry! How can I help?
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    comng here and getting support is a place to realize you are not alone. We all have our problems and ups and downs. It can be nice to come to the forums and be part of a community of people who are trying to improve thier lives.
    I have no idea what you're going through, but when you say you feel suicidal that is very serious. You need to call a suicide hotline where you live and talk to the good person on the other side of the phone and get some help an fast.

    In my opinion, it is good that you are objective enough to know that you feel out of sorts and something is wrong. It is.. and get in person help and come here to visit with others and work on your fitness and nutritional health ..which do play a good role in making mental health better.
  • Marinah0987
    Marinah0987 Posts: 30 Member
    I just need someone to talk out all my frustration.can somebody contact me .
  • Angi_Pangi
    Angi_Pangi Posts: 3 Member
    Contact you how?
  • xondrokolo
    xondrokolo Posts: 2 Member
    We are here for you. I know you will feel better soon. I wish you the best.
  • nafisapreston1975
    nafisapreston1975 Posts: 18 Member
    I am going through pre-menopause. I’ve noticed my cycle is more excruciating. Is that what’s happening to you? For me, it feels like I’m being crushed by a semi truck. Luckily, the pain is only lasting one day. Have you tried calling teledoc or your ob? The first time it hit, I took a Benadryl and slept it off. How are you feeling now?