In need of help 😩

Hi all I'm Louise and new to the fitness pal desperate need of some help and motivation to try and undo the damage I have caused over the last 6 months, before lockdown that was me in my profile pic, the fittest I'd ever been and I want to get back on that road again but seriously struggling, I've lost all motivation and can't stop shovelling sh🤬🤬 in my mouth. I'm now feeling every biscuit, crisp, cake and all the other crap I've consumed, and have roughly 2 stone to lose. So that's my story...look forward to hopefully be part of a group supporting each other on our journeys 🥰


  • Arawra90
    Arawra90 Posts: 70 Member
    I understand how you feel! I am actually needing to lose about the same amount as you. Feel free to add me if you would like some support.
  • loucooke22
    loucooke22 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey I'd like that, bit dumb question how do I add you, not finding this the easiest app to get on with 😅