Weight: 134 Goal:118

Realistically , how long would it take for me to lose these 16 pounds? Will I be able to lose 2 pounds a week or should I expect a plateau? I do at least 45 min of cardio a day, usually more. I also do some weight training. Always eat around 1000 calories a day.


  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    2 pounds a week is pretty unrealistic. I may not be as dedicated as yourself, I have no place to compare, but I'm 135.4 and had an original goal of 115. I haven't been able to lose even 1 pound a week on a regular basis. Best of luck though!
  • shindychan
    Really? Do you exercise at all? I started at 147 at the beginning of August.
  • TiaUti
    TiaUti Posts: 20 Member
    I started around the same weight as you are and am down to 116...1 lb a week is probably more realistic.
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    Yes, usually 5 days a week. I eat more than 1000 calories a day though, since I'm a strong believer in at least having a net of 1200 :) But honestly, everyone loses weight so differently, so if you can manage to lose 2 lbs a week, then I certainly wish you the best of luck and congratulate you on it :) My body likes to hang on to it's winter fat all year round :P
  • shindychan
    I started around the same weight as you are and am down to 116...1 lb a week is probably more realistic.

    Thats fine with me :) I just like knowing what to expect. Thanks!! So it took you about 4 months? Thats actually really fast if you think about it
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    if you exercise a lot and get enough fuel from food, you can probably lose 1-1.5lbs a week. Make sure you incorporate both strength and cardio in your routine cause it boosts your loss. I'm 127 and lose about 1lb a week. I eat between 1200-1500cal a day (depends on my exercise, if i exercise 60+min I'll eat 1500 but if i exercise very little, I'll stick closer to 1200. ) last week i was able to lose 2.3lbs and my food was always above 1400cal. just play around with your food numbers and exercise and you will see a weight loss. :)) hope this helped
  • shindychan
    Yes, usually 5 days a week. I eat more than 1000 calories a day though, since I'm a strong believer in at least having a net of 1200 :) But honestly, everyone loses weight so differently, so if you can manage to lose 2 lbs a week, then I certainly wish you the best of luck and congratulate you on it :) My body likes to hang on to it's winter fat all year round :P

    :) I hear ya, my body has been hanging on to this fat or way too long :P
    Good luck to you as well!! We can do this!
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    I agree with the first reply, it takes a while for us around this weight unfortunately :\

    I am currently exercising from twice to three times a week and I haven't lost an ounce in over a month. I plateau for weeks and weeks every three or so pounds. When I do lose weight though, the pounds usually come off at a rate of 1 pound a week, but more realistically, it's less than that a week (half a pound or so a week). Maybe if you exercise a lot and eat accordingly you will lose faster, but with my "method" weight loss is VERY slow...

    If you discover a healthy way to make the weight come off faster, please let us know! ;) Best of luck to you!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    oh and btw i forgot to mention- i exercise 6days a week at least 45mins a day :))
  • shindychan
    if you exercise a lot and get enough fuel from food, you can probably lose 1-1.5lbs a week. Make sure you incorporate both strength and cardio in your routine cause it boosts your loss. I'm 127 and lose about 1lb a week. I eat between 1200-1500cal a day (depends on my exercise, if i exercise 60+min I'll eat 1500 but if i exercise very little, I'll stick closer to 1200. ) last week i was able to lose 2.3lbs and my food was always above 1400cal. just play around with your food numbers and exercise and you will see a weight loss. :)) hope this helped

    So you always try to have your calories at 1200 even after exercising? I usually eat 1200 calories, then exercise, which makes me under my calorie goal by a good chunk. Should I up my cal count?
  • shindychan
    I agree with the first reply, it takes a while for us around this weight unfortunately :\

    I am currently exercising from twice to three times a week and I haven't lost an ounce in over a month. I plateau for weeks and weeks every three or so pounds. When I do lose weight though, the pounds usually come off at a rate of 1 pound a week, but more realistically, it's less than that a week (half a pound or so a week). Maybe if you exercise a lot and eat accordingly you will lose faster, but with my "method" weight loss is VERY slow...

    If you discover a healthy way to make the weight come off faster, please let us know! ;) Best of luck to you!

    Ive been exercising almost everyday.. my cardio is Dance Dance Revolution. Time flies by when you play it and by the end you will be dripping with sweat lol. I like it because I dont feel like its a work out, its just a fun game to me. Check it out! I owe a lot to it. For weights, I just bought some kettlebells, which are awesome so far.
  • mags911
    mags911 Posts: 8 Member
    I too am curious about this...I have recently switched from working out 3 times a week to 6 and noticed a dramatic drop of about 3 pounds the first week and now nothing. I started at 160 this past jan dropped to around 140 where I plateued and now at 137. Started incorporating running (well jogging 11-11.5 min miles) 3 times a week. Don't know if I could be 117 but would love to be low 120s. Oh, and I'm 5'4" and am trying to eat my 1200 plus half my exercise cal to account for any miscalculations. Add me if you want to check out my diary and good luck. :)
  • kate8085
    I started in July at 135 lbs. I am 122 now, at the end of September.( My goal weight is somewhere around 110).

    I eat 1200 calories a day, have a cheat day now and then, and sometimes I eat back my exercise calories, sometimes I don't. I like to keep my body guessing, and it seems to be working so far. I did Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and it really toned me up and I lost a ton of inches. I exercise 6 days a week.

    I used to diet, with no exercise, and would drop weight super fast, be super skinny. After seeing how much better my body looks after circuit training, I never want to be "skinny fat" like that ever again.

    If you need some quick results to keep you motivated, I totally recommend 30 Day Shred. Take before and after pictures, see the whole thing through, and you will be happy with the results. (just make sure you eat enough while doing it!)
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    if you exercise a lot and get enough fuel from food, you can probably lose 1-1.5lbs a week. Make sure you incorporate both strength and cardio in your routine cause it boosts your loss. I'm 127 and lose about 1lb a week. I eat between 1200-1500cal a day (depends on my exercise, if i exercise 60+min I'll eat 1500 but if i exercise very little, I'll stick closer to 1200. ) last week i was able to lose 2.3lbs and my food was always above 1400cal. just play around with your food numbers and exercise and you will see a weight loss. :)) hope this helped

    So you always try to have your calories at 1200 even after exercising? I usually eat 1200 calories, then exercise, which makes me under my calorie goal by a good chunk. Should I up my cal count?

    no, i eat my food goal of 1200 calories. Not after exercise calories. Sorry for not being specific. after exercise i'm always below 1200. i'm about 1000. :)) hope that makes sense

    oh and i agree with the poster above me, i am currently doing the 30day shred, so far i lost 3inches off my body and 2.3 lbs and i only did 10 days of it :))
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    I started at a similar weight as you and am working toward a similar goal, so this is just based on my experience and knowledge gained along the way.

    Unfortunately, 2 pounds a week is really not realistic at all. For the first few weeks while your body readjusts, you may lose up to 1 lb per week, even with exercise. This is of course assuming you are losing the weight in a healthy way - by changing your lifestyle, eating enough calories, etc.

    After those initial few weeks, you may plateau. At this point, you will probably need to increase your calorie intake in order to keep losing, which is good because this will essentially inch you closer to maintenance calories! As you get closer to your goal, the weight will come off slower and slower. But it's alright, because the slower it comes off, the more likely it is to STAY off.

    Good luck to you, and happy losing!
  • shindychan
    if you exercise a lot and get enough fuel from food, you can probably lose 1-1.5lbs a week. Make sure you incorporate both strength and cardio in your routine cause it boosts your loss. I'm 127 and lose about 1lb a week. I eat between 1200-1500cal a day (depends on my exercise, if i exercise 60+min I'll eat 1500 but if i exercise very little, I'll stick closer to 1200. ) last week i was able to lose 2.3lbs and my food was always above 1400cal. just play around with your food numbers and exercise and you will see a weight loss. :)) hope this helped

    So you always try to have your calories at 1200 even after exercising? I usually eat 1200 calories, then exercise, which makes me under my calorie goal by a good chunk. Should I up my cal count?

    no, i eat my food goal of 1200 calories. Not after exercise calories. Sorry for not being specific. after exercise i'm always below 1200. i'm about 1000. :)) hope that makes sense

    oh and i agree with the poster above me, i am currently doing the 30day shred, so far i lost 3inches off my body and 2.3 lbs and i only did 10 days of it :))

    Thanks! Ill have to check out this 30 day shred. Havent heard of it until now.
  • shindychan
    I started at a similar weight as you and am working toward a similar goal, so this is just based on my experience and knowledge gained along the way.

    Unfortunately, 2 pounds a week is really not realistic at all. For the first few weeks while your body readjusts, you may lose up to 1 lb per week, even with exercise. This is of course assuming you are losing the weight in a healthy way - by changing your lifestyle, eating enough calories, etc.

    After those initial few weeks, you may plateau. At this point, you will probably need to increase your calorie intake in order to keep losing, which is good because this will essentially inch you closer to maintenance calories! As you get closer to your goal, the weight will come off slower and slower. But it's alright, because the slower it comes off, the more likely it is to STAY off.

    Good luck to you, and happy losing!

    Yay! Glad to find someone like me! Thanks for the advice. :D Im excited!