lower leg issues

So, I've worked my way up from walking 10 mins once a day to about 4 km twice a day (8km total, roughly) over 6 weeks. But now, my calves are really not liking hills/inclines/gradients - but ONLY if I wear my sneakers. On the flat there are no issues. I can wear these same shoes all day without any other problems. They are new by the way. But not so new that this is an 'adjustment' issue. Two weeks ago I didn't have half as much discomfort.

If I wear my beat up old sneakers or the slip on's (not sports wear - but also new 2 months or so ago), I get wicked front leg pain on my right side (tibialis anterior if I have my anatomy right), but no calf discomfort.

The calf thing is tightness, not soreness and both issues resolve after a 2 min rest + calf stretching.

I plan to see if I can visit the local podiatrist in case there is an actual foot fall thing happening. No clue if I am old enough to see him though, (he has lots of pamphlets geared to older people).

I don't want to stop walking obviously, but I am at a loss as to how to fix/deal with either issue. I am trying to stay hydrated, and I do stretch (perhaps not enough? or accurately?) Am I over doing things? Should my legs have adjusted to the route I take by now?

If this is in the wrong place or I shouldn't be asking, please let me know :)


  • stronglikebull
    Its probably just your legs telling you to not be mean to them! Especially if you're experiencing it on inclines, that's the same exertion that everyone feels when they climb a hill. Perfectly normal and it means you're exercising the muscles. They're just protesting it sounds like :) Keep pushing through it and your body will continue to adjust to the things you ask of it.
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    Is it a cramp, like a charlie horse? I would stretch a lot, and also try to keep your sodium intake lower and potassium higher.
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    no, definitely not cramps. Will keep an eye on sodium intake though. :)
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    Good luck, oh and stay hydrated while you walk too. Congrats on upping your fitness level that much in 6 weeks!