Yo! Anyone lost and maintaining?

I lost 25 pounds about a year ago and have been maintaining by eating clean and working out 5-6 days a week including running...but a femoral stress fracture has jacked up my life! I haven't been able to do any lower-body weights or running/elliptical, etc. for the past two months and it still hurts/swells. I've noticed my pants fitting a little tighter! Ugggg...

Some friends joined so I decided to join and see if anyone is in my boat (maybe not the stress fracture part but trying to maintain).

I was training for my first half marathon so once I'm healed, I'd like to get back to it! :)



  • I lost about 40+lbs and have kept it off for about a year. There have been times when I felt my pants get tighter too so I cut back on carbs and follow Atkins till the "fluff" goes away. You could also reduce your calories alittle since your not working out regularly either.....

    Hope you heal soon!!!!
  • I have been maintaining all summer. I just started a new job and hurt my leg running hills. I have gained a few pounds. My pants aren't tight - yet. I am hoping to run on Saturday or Sunday. I have a half marathon in 6 weeks! I would say keep eating as best you can, once you are able to start working out, you will bounce right back in a week or so!!! Good luck!
  • mopovich
    mopovich Posts: 21 Member
    Awesome! I knew there had to be a couple of you! :) I should clarify, I am still working out (5-6 days a week), but only upper body and abs! I tried to jump rope on my good leg but it was pretty much a massive FAIL! LOL

    I was eating A LOT of calories before my injury (because I was running so much) so I'm still trying to figure out how much I should consume now! I know what all of the "calculators" say. I did recently start cutting my carbs and it seems to be helping!

    How did you all lose the weight?
  • Hi! I lost 20 lbs about 2 years ago and got really into you running and doing weights. I fell off track about 6 months ago and I'm hoping this site will help me get back into a routine again.

    I lost my weight by being more conscious of what I was eating and focusing on eating to fuel my body, rather tan eating for the sake of eating.

    I started lifting weights 3 times per week and running.

    Good luck with your leg injury!
  • hey Mopovich. Have you tried swimming?

    It's zero impact, so it could be a good way to get your cardio excercise instead of your normal running/eliptical until your femoral stress fracture heals.

    Not everyone likes swimming, I know, but its a great full body work out.